Cover Soc. Zekerh. frans-verkle - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Cover Soc. Zekerh. frans-verkle - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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REVUE BELGE DE SECURITE SOCIALE - 3e TRIMESTRE 2003Johnson, S., Kaufmann, D., Schleifer, A. (1997), Politics and Entrepreneurship inTransition Economies, the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan,Working Paper Numéro 57.Kaufmann, D. and Kaliberda, A. (1996), Integrating the Unofficial Economy into theDynamics of Post-<strong>Soc</strong>ialist Economies: A Framework for Analysis and Evidence, inKaminski, B. (ed.), Economic Transition in Russia and the New States of Eurasia,Londres : M.E. Sharpe, pp. 81-120.Kornai, J. (1992), The <strong>Soc</strong>ialist System: The Political Economy of Communism,Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., Schleifer, A., Vishny, R. (1998), The Quality ofGovernment, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper: 6727, Septembre1998.Lackó, M. (1998), Hidden economies of Visegrad countries in International Comparison: a household electricity approach, in Halpern, L. and Wyplosz, Ch. (1998),Hungary: Towards a Market Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Lackó, M. (2000a), Hidden economy – an unknown quantity? Comparative analysisof hidden economies in transition countries 1989-1995, The Economics of Transition,Vol. 8. No. 1, pp. 117-149.Lackó, M. (2000b), Do Power Consumption Data Tell the Story in Plan, Shortageand Transition, Muskin, E. et Simonovits, A. (éds), Harvard U. Press, 2000.Lackó, M. (2000c), Egy rázós szektor: a rejtett gazdaság és hatásai a poszt-szocialistaországokban háztartartási áramfelhasználásra épülo becslések alapján (Unsecteur choquant : l’économie souterraine et ses impacts dans les pays postsocialistesà l’aide d’estimations basées sur la consommation d’électricité par les ménages),TÁRKI-KTI, Budapest, 2000.Lackó, M. (2003), ’Wandering around’ the segments of labor market: cross-countrycomparison of the impact of tax rates and corruption, article présenté à l’IntroductoryWorkshop on Enterprise Development, Informal Economy and Labour Markets,Avril 4-5, 2003, Institut des études économiques internationales de Vienne, Autriche.Loyza, N. A. (1997), The Economics of the Informal Sector, A Simple Model andSome Empirical Evidence from Latin America, Policy Research Working Paper, BanqueMondiale.974

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