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283. Mottephobia: Fear of moths.<br />

284. Musophobia or Murophobia: Fear of mice.<br />

285. Mycophobia: Fear or aversion to mushrooms.<br />

286. Mycrophobia - Fear of small things.<br />

287. Myctophobia - Fear of darkness.<br />

288. Myrmecophobia - Fear of ants.<br />

289. Mysophobia: Fear of germs or contamination or dirt.<br />

290. Mythophobia: Fear of myths stories, or false statements.<br />

291. Myxophobia: Fear of slime. (Blennophobia)<br />

292. Nebulaphobia: Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia)<br />

293. Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.<br />

294. Nelophobia: Fear of glass.<br />

295. Neophobia: Fear of anything new.<br />

296. Nephophobia: Fear of clouds.<br />

297. Noctiphobia: Fear of the night.<br />

298. Nomatophobia: Fear of names.<br />

299. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia: Fear of becoming ill.<br />

300. Nostophobia: Fear of returning home.<br />

301. Novercaphobia: Fear of your step-mother.<br />

302. Nudophobia: Fear of nudity.<br />

303. Numerophobia: Fear of numbers.<br />

304. Nyctohylophobia: Fear of dark wooded areas such as forests at night<br />

305. Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark or of night.<br />

306. Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight.(Pocrescophobia)<br />

307. Ochlophobia: Fear of crowds or mobs.<br />

308. Ochophobia: Fear of vehicles -- a chariot, for example.<br />

309. Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8.<br />

310. Odontophobia: Fear of teeth.<br />

311. Odynophobia, Odynephobia, or Algophobia: Fear of pain.<br />

312. Oenophobia: Fear of wine.<br />

313. Oikophobia: Fear of home surroundings, house.<br />

314. Olfactophobia: Fear of smells.<br />

315. Ombrophobia: Fear of rain or of being rained on.<br />

316. Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia: Fear of eyes.<br />

317. Oneirophobia: Fear of dreams.<br />

318. Oneirogmophobia: Fear of wet dreams.<br />

319. Onomatophobia: Fear of hearing a certain word or of names.<br />

320. Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia: Fear of snakes.<br />

321. Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at.<br />

322. Optophobia: Fear of opening one’s eyes.<br />

323. Ornithophobia: Fear of birds.<br />

324. Orthophobia: Fear of property.<br />

325. Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia: Fear of smells or odors.<br />

326. Ostraconophobia: Fear of shellfish.<br />

327. Ouranophobia: Fear of paradise.<br />

328. Pagophobia: Fear of ice or frost.<br />

329. Panthophobia: Fear of suffering and disease.<br />

330. Panophobia or Pantophobia: Fear of everything.<br />

331. Papyrophobia: Fear of paper.<br />

332. Paralipophobia: Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.<br />

333. Paraphobia: Fear of sexual perversion.<br />

Appendix 4: Phobias<br />


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