Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos

Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos

Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos


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ir iðraiðkingumas. Daugiausia dëmesio<br />

dailininkë skiria plastinëms problemoms<br />

– spalva, forma, ritminës struktûros,<br />

sudëtingi erdviniai santykiai, deformacijos<br />

natûraliai susipina jos kûriniuose.<br />

Aptariamas ciklas liudija, kad<br />

dailininkë áþengia á kokybiðkai naujà savo<br />

dvasinës evoliucijos etapà, kuriame<br />

178 LOGOS 42<br />


pilna jëga atsiskleidþia jos meninio màstymo<br />

subtilumas.<br />

Labai norisi tikëti, kad ði jauna ir neabejotinai<br />

talentinga naujosios kartos<br />

menininkë, apèiuopusi savo plastinës<br />

raiðkos sritis, nepraras dvasiniø polëkiø<br />

ðvieþumo ir sëkmingai naudos savo kûrybiná<br />

potencialà.<br />

The Symbols of Salomëja Jastrumskytë’s<br />

Subconsciousness<br />

The majority of Salomëja Jastrumskytë‘s<br />

artworks seem like metaphysical<br />

poetry translated into the language<br />

of plastic visions. It is possible to<br />

speak about two tendencies in her art:<br />

metaphysical and decorative. The origins<br />

of the first are related to the Romantic,<br />

Symbolist and Surrealist art, and those<br />

of the second are close to the aesthetic<br />

sterility of Japanese decorative art and<br />

the poetry of Surrealist composition.<br />

These two tendencies are conjoined by<br />

periodic and spontaneous discharges of<br />

energy, expressed by the emotional language<br />

of dynamic lines. Perhaps it is<br />

possible to maintain that in recent years<br />

in her creative work the second tendency<br />

has prevailed. That is a sign that she<br />

heightens the formal demands on her<br />

own works.<br />

Salomëja belongs to a type of creator<br />

who are extremely sensitive to the<br />

sounds, colours and forms of the external<br />

world: who absorb them into their<br />

Prof. Antanas Andrijauskas<br />

own consciousness, transform and express<br />

by the artistic language of condensed<br />

images and symbols. Although<br />

in her artworks the traits of medieval<br />

religious ecstasy, romantic universality,<br />

poetic surrealism, metaphysical and abstract<br />

painting, and Far East calligraphy<br />

are present, nevertheless she is not subdued<br />

by traditional standards, and<br />

looks for her own original way.<br />

The deep philosophical subtext, subtle<br />

style, elaborated composition, and<br />

richness of colours are characteristic of<br />

her artworks, which embrace the expressive<br />

techniques of Medieval, Romantic,<br />

Surrealist, Abstract, and Eastern<br />

art. Most probably the origins of her<br />

creativity lie in her subconsciousness, in<br />

memories of early childhood, and in the<br />

fictional vision of the museum.<br />

It is credible that this talented young<br />

artist will not lose the drive and freshness<br />

of her spiritual flights and will successfully<br />

continue her artistic activity.<br />

Prof. Antanas Andrijauskas

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