Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos

Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos

Bet kvailas žmogus įgis supratimą, Kai laukinė a - Logos


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Gauta 2005-02-23<br />


Kultûros, filosofijos ir meno institutas<br />


Traits of Vydûnas‘ Aesthetics<br />



The aesthetics of Vydûnas is an integral part of his culture theory. That theory is based on the Hindu<br />

Vedanta pantheistic concept of being, according to which the spiritual absolute makes the whole reality<br />

and is both immanent and transcendent in relation to the world. By way of evolution, the world<br />

goes back to the state of pure spirituality from which it originated. Man is a being which has already<br />

reached that state. His essence – humanity – belongs to the sphere of pure spirituality. By means of his<br />

essence, he influences the world and creates culture. Along with science and morality, art is one of<br />

three major ways to create culture. Following this way, the creative power expresses itself through perceptible<br />

beauty. In nature, the creative power, the propagation of beauty represents growth, progress,<br />

blossoming, youth. The absolute spirit is present in all that. In art, the human spirit is a creative subject.<br />

By means of artistic creativity, not only the spirit of the creator, i.e. of the artist, expresses itself,<br />

but also the lives of other people are involved in the spiritual evolution of the world. This is not only<br />

the social but also the existential mission of art. The influential power of art mostly depends on the<br />

level of the brightness of the artist’s spirit. The different kinds of art originate from various kinds of<br />

material used in creative activities.<br />

Po pirmos paþinties su Vydûno filosofija<br />

daþnam susidarydavo áspûdis,<br />

kad ji ið viso be sistemos. Ne vienam<br />

apie Vydûno kûrybà raðiusiam autoriui<br />

jo filosofiniai veikalai atrodë kaip eklektiðki<br />

ávairiø filosofiniø ir religiniø idëjø<br />

ÁVADAS<br />

miðiniai. Bene autoritetingiausias ið taip<br />

maniusiø yra V. Mykolaitis-Putinas, paraðæs<br />

iðsamià studijà apie Vydûno dramaturgijà<br />

(6). Toks áspûdis apie Vydûno<br />

filosofijos pobûdá yra apgaulingas.<br />

Vydûnas ið tikro formavosi veikiamas<br />

RAKTAÞODÞIAI. Absoliutas, kultûra, kûryba, groþis, menas, evoliucija, þmogus, dvasia.<br />

KEY WORDS. Absolute, culture, creativity, beauty, art, evolution, man, spirit.<br />

LOGOS 42<br />



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