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Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ

Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ

Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ


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„Inkaba ye Africa“ – dem dynamischen System<br />

Erde auf der Spur<br />

Brian Horsfield 1 , Maarten de Wit 1 sowie weitere Autoren der Inkaba ye Africa Arbeitsgruppe 2<br />

1. Koordinatoren von Inkaba ye Africa: BH – <strong>GFZ</strong> Potsdam, MW – Universität Kapstadt<br />

2. Südafrika: Ludwig Combrinck, John Compton, Alex Kounov, Justine Tinker, Marian Tredoux<br />

Deutschland: Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, Sönke Neben, Karsten Gohl, Wilfried Jokat, Rolf Emmermann, Mioara Mandea, Rolando di Primio, Heinz Wilkes, Oliver<br />

Ritter, Ute Weckmann, Michael Weber, Georg Dresen, Jörg Erzinger, Bob Trumbull, Hedi Oberhänsli<br />

In 2003, the German and South African Earth Science communities embarked on a program to survey a cone-shaped<br />

sector of Earth from core to space, enclosing South Africa and the southern oceans at its surface. The vision is to track<br />

the history of its components back over at least the last 200 million years, to understand Earth system processes and<br />

their interaction at different scales and rates, and along the way to closely scrutinize climate, biodiversity, natural<br />

hazards and resources of Africa. South Africa's geology retains one of the longest best-preserved records of tectonic<br />

movements, magmatic events and climatic change extending back 3.500 million years. The projects in Inkaba ye Africa<br />

are divided between three main research themes, namely Heart of Africa, Margins of Africa, and Living Africa, and<br />

a formal Capacity Building and Outreach Programme is integrated into the programme. Heart of Africa is devoted to<br />

studying the energy transfer from core to space. An important theme here is to address why the geomagnetic field of<br />

South Africa is significantly weaker than over the rest of the Earth at equivalent altitudes and to examine the links<br />

between a deep mantle upwelling and the onland uplift history. Margins of Africa seeks to establish the causes, and<br />

some of the consequences of continental break-up of Southern Africa from its Gondwana configuration. Central to this<br />

research theme are a series of onshore-offshore geophysical transects across three different continental margin types<br />

around southern Africa. Living Africa consists of a number of integrated projects tracking the consequences of continental<br />

margin evolution in southern Africa, namely the ensuing surface and subsurface processes. Here, sedimentation<br />

patterns, changing ocean currents, and the cycling of carbon from the surface down to 5 km are under examination<br />

to provide a dynamic insight into petroleum systems and paleoclimate.<br />

Abb. 1: Inkaba ye Africa – Untersuchung eines kegelförmigen Ausschnitts des Systems Erde, vom Erdkern bis in den<br />

Weltraum<br />

Inkaba ye Africa – Earth System studies in a cone-shaped sector of the Earth from the core to space<br />

<strong>Zweijahresbericht</strong> <strong>2004</strong>/<strong>2005</strong> GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam<br />


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