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Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ

Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ

Zweijahresbericht 2004/2005 - Bibliothek - GFZ


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72<br />

between Earth’s outer core and mantle in order to gain a<br />

better understanding of the geodynamo process. Some<br />

more detail on these results is given in the part of Section<br />

2.3 in this report.<br />

Geomagnetic jerks<br />

Over a very short time span, a number of abrupt changes<br />

in the secular variation have been noted in the series of<br />

magnetic observatories. The cause of these so-called geomagnetic<br />

jerks is not completely known, but they may<br />

reflect the reconfiguration of hydromagnetic motions in<br />

the outer core over small scales and short time-intervals.<br />

These phenomena are difficult to study, because of their<br />

small amplitudes and the overlap of their frequency range<br />

with the effect of solar-dependent external variations.<br />

Moreover, the highly uneven coverage of the globe by<br />

magnetic observatories makes it difficult to study their<br />

geometry and evolution, and whether they are of a global<br />

nature.<br />

One way to overcome the problem of the uneven spatial<br />

distribution of time series is again to turn to satellite data.<br />

A good global coverage is obtained from satellite data in<br />

a short period of time, but satellite data are not very hel-<br />

Fig.9:Secular variation of the radial magnetic field at the core mantle boundary<br />

for epochs 1900, 1930, 1975 and 1990 using the Jackson et al. (2000)<br />

model. The extreme values (red/blue) are +/– 13 µT/yr.<br />

Säkularvariation des radialen Magnetfelds an der Kern-Mantel-Grenze für<br />

die Jahre 1900, 1930, 1975 und 1990 nach dem Modell von Jackson et al.<br />

(2000). Die Extremwerte (rot/blau) sind +/– 13 µT/a.<br />

pful if our interest is focused on a certain location over a<br />

longer period of time. Fig. 8 shows, as an example, all<br />

available CHAMP data over an area of 1° x 1° centered<br />

on the Niemegk Observatory. It is clear that the temporal<br />

resolution, even for a larger area at a fixed position, is not<br />

comparable with what observatories provide as continuous<br />

data. However, this time series can be used for interpolating<br />

the temporal behaviour of the magnetic field. This<br />

kind of plot will be a useful first step in studying secular<br />

variation, and possibly geomagnetic jerks, at a given position<br />

from satellite data.<br />

However, only the joint analysis of observatory and satellite<br />

data can really be useful for the global study of geomagnetic<br />

jerks. To circumvent the spatial and temporal<br />

distribution difficulties, the use of continuous field models<br />

derived from ground-based and satellite data, such as the<br />

Comprehensive Model by Sabaka et al. (2002, <strong>2004</strong>), is<br />

one possible solution. Chambodut and Mandea (<strong>2005</strong>) studied<br />

the temporal and spatial distribution of jerks detected<br />

in these models over the four last decades. The jerks<br />

around 1971, 1980 and 1991 are characterized by a clear<br />

bimodal behaviour of their occurrence date. So far, no<br />

geomagnetic jerk occured during the lifetime of the magnetic<br />

field satellites. A much better description of a jerk<br />

could be provided if it were to occur<br />

during the time of operation of one or preferably<br />

several satellites.<br />

South Atlantic Anomaly<br />

Another interesting feature of the core<br />

field is the so-called South Atlantic<br />

Anomaly. This is a large area of very low<br />

field intensity (less than 20000 nT) over<br />

South America, the southern Atlantic and<br />

southern Africa. Moreover, from MAG-<br />

SAT and CHAMP data we observed that<br />

the field there has been decreasing by<br />

some 8 % during the past 20 years (see<br />

Fig. 7). Recent studies have identified distinct<br />

patches of reversed magnetic flux at<br />

the poles and below Africa which could<br />

be related to the present day field decrease<br />

and might even be a hint that the geodynamo<br />

is heading towards a reversal<br />

(Hulot et al., 2002). The most prominent<br />

feature in this respect is the growing patch<br />

of reverse magnetic polarity beneath<br />

South Africa. To give an indication of<br />

recent changes, Fig. 9 shows the distribution<br />

and evolution of the radial magnetic<br />

field component at the core-mantle<br />

boundary during the past century. The<br />

model used here (Jackson et al., 2000)<br />

shows a region of reversed field direction<br />

(red area) which propagates north-eastward.<br />

At present this patch is just below<br />

South Africa. Moreover, a large longitudinal<br />

difference in field changes is observed,<br />

again with a maximum variation in<br />

<strong>Zweijahresbericht</strong> <strong>2004</strong>/<strong>2005</strong> GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam

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