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Acta Pii Pp. XII 141l'incremento della pietà e della vita cristiana nella meditazione della passione,morte e resurrezione del Signor Nostro Gesù Cristo, Cui sia onoree gloria nei secoli. Amen !NUNTIUS RADIOPHONICUSALUMNIS SCHOLARUM CATHOLICARUM STATUUM FOEDERATORUM AMERICAE SEP­TENTRIONALIS, AD SOLLICITANDAM CARITATEM ERGA PUEROS INDIGENTESALIARUM NATIONUM. *The ever-pathetic appeal of your brothers and sisters in need, the wideworld over, reaches your hearts once more, dear children, just as theHoly season of Lent begins. Today Ash Wednesday it will be ten full andfateful years since first We spoke with you of the sad lot of these darlinglittle ones, and begged you in the name of their Lord Jesus and Ours,to help Mother Church to bring back some bloom of health and laughterto their haggard faces, some comfort to their miserable homes.The word of thanks with which We greet you at school today is only afaint echo of Our grateful remembrance of you and your dear ones, dayafter day, at the altar of God, where remembrance is most precious. Notonce have you allowed the hopes of the destitute to be crushed or Ourown deluded. Not once during these ten years have you failed them, theseinnocent victims of a cruel war, flaming hot at first and still continuing,for many, all too heartless. Time and again, We well remember, whenevery other earthly door seemed closed, your small hands and unselfishhearts were open to their distress. Well had you learned at homeand in your class-rooms the lesson that sums up all that the Mastercame to teach us : love is the one law by which the Christian lives.With what paternal joy and pride We found that charity had becomea habit with so many of you. The children, whom your savings andsacrifices have helped, children of almost every colour and clime, oweyou a debt that only the Lord Jesus can repay. But what happinessit means to know that He does repay with lavish hand, here andhereafter, even the penances and pocket-money you offer them from yourhearts, at His call and for His sake.* Datus die 15 Februarii mensis a. 1956.

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