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MARC ZIMMERMAN / LUIS OCHOA BILBAO—. (2008) “Writing and the Left Turns”. Presentation at lasa ccp meeting. Brazil.June.Beasley-Murray, Jon, Maxwell A. Cameron, y Eric Hershberg. (2010) “LatinAmerica’s Left Turns: A Tour D’Horizon”. Cameron y Hershberg, eds.:3-22.Beverley, John. (1999) Subalternity and Representation: Arguments in Cultural Theory.Durham: Duke University Press.—. (2011) Latinamericanism After 9/11. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.Cameron, Maxwell A., y Eric Hershberg. eds. (2010) Latin America’s Left Turns:Politics, Parties, and Trajectories of Change. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.Castañeda, Jorge. (2006) “Latin America’s Left Turn”. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85, No.3: 28–43.Cleary, Matthew R. (2006) “Explaining the Left’s Resurgence”, Journal ofDemocracy, Vol. 17, No. 4, Octubre: 35-49.Deleuze, Gilles, y Félix Guattari. (1988) Mil mesetas. Valencia: Pre-Textos.Escobar, Arturo. (2010) “Latin America at a Crossroads”. Cultural Studies, 24, 1:1-65. http://dx.doiorg/10.1080/0950380903424208Fernández Retamar, Roberto. (1972) Calibán. Caracas: Rocinante.Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos. ed. (2010) En el umbral del posneoliberalismo?/On theThreshold of Post Neoliberalism: Izquierda y gobierno en America Latina/ Left andGovernment in Latin America. Guatemala: F&G Editores.Fuentes, Carlos. (2010) “El novelista habla”. Entrevista conducida por GabrielaBencomo-Lobaco y publicada en AARP Viva: 14-16.Hardt, Michael, y Antonio Negri. (2002) Imperio, Buenos Aires: Paidós.—. (2006) Multitud: guerra y democracia en la era del imperio. Nueva York: Debate(Random House Mondadori).Herlinghaus, Hermann. (2008) Violence without Guilt: Ethical Narratives from theGlobal South. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan.Holloway, John. (2002) Cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder. El significado de la revoluciónhoy. Buenos Aires: Editorial Herramienta / Benemérita UniversidadAutónoma de Puebla.Johnson, Richard. (2007) “Post-hegemony? I Don’t Think So”. Theory, Culture andSociety, 24.3: 95-110.Laclau, Ernesto. (2005) La razón populista. Buenos Aires: Fondo de CulturaEconómica.Laclau, Ernesto, y Chantal Mouffe. (1985) Hegemony and socialist strategy: towardsa radical democratic politics. London: Verso.Lash, Scott. (2007) “Power after Hegemony: Cultural Studies in Mutation?”Theory, Culture and Society, 24.3: 55-78.Leiras, Michael. (2007) “Latin America’s Electoral Turn: Left, Right, and Wrong”.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8675.2007.00454.x/pdf33

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