Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid


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REVUE BELGE DE SECURITE SOCIALE - 4e TRIMESTRE <strong>2006</strong>BIBLIOGRAPHIEBarr, N., Higher Education Funding, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 20,N° 2, pp. 264-283, 2004.Blundell, R., Reed, H., Van Reenan, J. and Shepherd, A., The Impact of the NewDeal for Young People on the labour market : a four year assessment, in R. Dickenset al., qv, 2003.Cm 3805, A New Contract for Welfare, The Stationery Office, Londres, 1998.Department of Health, Treatment Centres : Delivering faster quality care andchoice for NHS patients, Department of Health, Londres, 2005.Dickens, R., Gregg, P. et Wadsworth, J. (eds), The Labour Market Under NewLabour : The state of working Britain, Palgrave, Londres, 2003.Disney, R. et Hawkes, D., Why has employment recently risen among older workers?’,in R. Dickens et al., qv, 2003.Glennerster, H., British Social Policy since 1945, Blackwells, Oxford, 2000.Glennerster, H., United Kingdom Education 1997-2001, Oxford Review of EconomicPolicy, Vol. 18, N° 2, pp. 120-136, 2002.Glennerster, H., The health and welfare legacy, in A. Seldon (ed), The Blair Effect 2,Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005.Glennerster, H. et Hills, J., The State of Welfare : The Economics of Social Spending,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.Gundlach, E., Woessman, L. et Gmelin, J., The Decline of School Productivity inOECD Countries, The Economic Journal, 11, Mai, pp. C135-147, 2001.Hills, J. (ed), New Inequalities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.Hills, J., Inequality and the State, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.Kings Fund, The Business of Caring, King’s Fund, Londres, 2005.Knapp, M., Hardy, B. et Forder, J., Commissioning for Quality : Ten Years of SocialCare Markets in England, Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 30, Pt 2, pp. 283-306, 2001.816

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