Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Numéro 4/2006 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid


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ABSTRACTScommerce international et à la mobilité horizontale des entreprises (entreprisesexerçant des activités ça et là) est préférable en tant que mécanisme d’adaptation àla mobilité verticale des entreprises (délocalisation directe) et à la mobilité des travailleurs.Il est également plaidé pour un recrutement actif de travailleurs dans lesnouveaux Etats membres pour les offres d’emploi de ce que l’on appelle les professionscritiques de notre économie. Il s’agit ici donc tant de postes vacants nécessitantune formation élevée que d’opportunités d’emplois pour lesquels peu de candidatssont désireux d’occuper les postes en question. Il serait préférable que les conditionssociales en vigueur ici servent de point de départ pour l’emploi de personnesissues des nouveaux Etats membres. Une libéralisation accrue des marchés tertiairesmérite également une attention particulière.“Does European integration lead to social dumping?”by Filip AbrahamThe expansion of the European Union to 25 member states, and in the (near) futurepossibly to 28 and even more, unites social-economic schemes, which are quite differentfrom one another as regards income levels and social protection. The incomeand wage differences between East and West – even in the most advanced newmember states such as the Czech Republic and Hungary the wage cost is still up to80% lower than ours – are large enough to significantly influence the immigrationflows of employees and corporate manufacturing and investment decisions. Likecommunicating vessels, the schemes that have been united within the EuropeanUnion are now growing towards one another as a result of the integration process.This social convergence is brought about by several integration mechanisms, specificallythe growing international trade of goods and services, foreign investments bycompanies and the migration of employees. Whether this social convergence movementwill effectively lead to social dumping depends on which adjustment mechanismgains the upper hand. This analysis shows that integration through internationaltrade and horizontal corporate mobility (companies with activities here andthere) are to be preferred as an adjustment mechanism to vertical corporate mobility(outright relocation of activities) and the mobility of employees. This analysis alsopleads in favour of an active recruitment of employees from the new member statesfor staffing the so-called occupations in demand in our economy. This includesvacancies for employees with a high level of education as well as job opportunitiesfor which we are unable to find candidates who are willing to take this job in Belgium.We do recommend that the social conditions applicable in Belgium are usedas a starting point for the employment of persons from the new EU Member States.The further liberalisation of the services markets should also receive the necessaryattention.** *823

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