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Gordon, E. (1997). Introduction: The Resilience Phenomenon in<br />

Ethnic Minority Adolescent Development. Social and<br />

Emotional Adjustment and Family Relations in Ethnic Minority<br />

Families. R. W. a. M. C. W. Taylor. Mahwah, New Jersey,<br />

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.<br />

Gordon, M. (1964). Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Race,<br />

Religion and National Origins. New York, Oxford University<br />

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Gotaas, N. (2000). <strong>For</strong>ståelse i et kulturelt perspektiv. Kommunikasjon<br />

og rettssikkerhet. Utlendingers og språklige minoriteters møte<br />

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and K. Papendorf. Oslo, Unipub forlag.<br />

Gotaas, N. (2006). Rocka stabilitet. En evaluering av prosjektet<br />

Musikk i fengsel og frihet. Et tilbud for kvinner i Oslo. NIBRrapport.<br />

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Gotaas, N. og T. Højdahl ( 2006). Evaluering av Brobyggerprosjektet.<br />

Samarbeidsprosjekt NIBR/KRUS. Oslo.<br />

Graham-Berman, S. A. and H. M. Halabu (2004). Fostering Resilient<br />

Coping in Children Exposed to Violence. Cultural<br />

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Strategies for Community Intervention. . P. G. Jaffe, L. L. Baker<br />

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Graham-Berman, S. A. and H. M. Halabu (2004). Fostering Resilient<br />

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Strategies for Community Intervention. P. G. Jaffe, L. L. Baker<br />

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Greenwald, R. (2002). The Role of Trauma in Conduct Disorder.<br />

Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency, Theory, Research and<br />

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NIBR-rapport: 2007:10

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