Filologia 2010-2011 - Gredos - Universidad de Salamanca

Filologia 2010-2011 - Gredos - Universidad de Salamanca

Filologia 2010-2011 - Gredos - Universidad de Salamanca


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Guía Académica <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> Facultad <strong>de</strong> Filología<br />

<strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Salamanca</strong><br />

Adams, Willi Paul, Los Estados Unidos <strong>de</strong> América, Siglo XXI, 1984.<br />

Bradbury, M., and H. Temperley, eds., Introduction to American Studies, New York, 1989.<br />

Breidlid, An<strong>de</strong>rs, et al., eds., American Culture: An Anthology of Civilization Texts, London: Routledge.<br />

Bryson, Bill, Ma<strong>de</strong> in America, London, 1994.<br />

Campbell, Neil, and Alasdair Kean, American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture, New York: Routledge, 1997.<br />

Hernán<strong>de</strong>z Alonso, J., Los Estados Unidos <strong>de</strong> America: Historia y cultura, <strong>Salamanca</strong>, 2002.<br />

Mauk, David, and John Oakland, American Civilization: An Introduction, Routledge, 1997.<br />

Ravitch, Diane, ed., The American Primer, Harper Collins, 1990.<br />

Takaki, Ronald, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Boston, 1993.<br />


Class Attendance and Participation: Stu<strong>de</strong>nts will have many opportunities in class to show their interest and progress in the subject. Do not<br />

forget that up to a 30% of your final gra<strong>de</strong> can <strong>de</strong>pend on your participation in class.<br />

Compulsory Readings: Texts and documents: The selection of short texts must read before we <strong>de</strong>al with them in the classroom.<br />

Compulsory Vi<strong>de</strong>o Documentaries: There is also a series of documentary films <strong>de</strong>aling with key aspects of American history and culture that<br />

you are required to watch. Screenings will take place during class time, and they will be announced in advance. The documentaries (mostly<br />

award-winning films offering an aca<strong>de</strong>mic approach to American history and culture) will be viewed in the original English version, and are<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed to complement the class discussions and presentations. They will frequently be accompanied by a sheet of questions, comments,<br />

aspects to take into account, etc.. Needless to say, you can expect to be tested on these documentaries in the final exam.<br />

Class Presentations: ALL stu<strong>de</strong>nts are required to un<strong>de</strong>rtake a class presentation (5-10 minutes, in English) <strong>de</strong>aling with key events, topics,<br />

documents, etc. of American history and culture, preferably contemporary aspects of US reality that you can draw from newspapers such as The<br />

New York Times on the web, podcasts from NPR (National Public Radio) etc. Presentations are carried out un<strong>de</strong>r my guidance. You are encouraged<br />

to offer your own informed approach to whatever area of American culture you are interested in, whether it is American fast food, cult<br />

movies, comic heroes, the hippie movement, hip hop culture, ... you name it.<br />

Optional Paper: Stu<strong>de</strong>nts can turn in an essay (approx. 8-10) by the third week of May. The essay must be concrete and to the point: no<br />

general overviews, please! Just try to give your informed perspective on a topic. Needless to say, the paper must be type-written and in English.<br />

Exam: There will be a written exam at the end of the semester. The stu<strong>de</strong>nts will have to i<strong>de</strong>ntify and comment on historical/cultural texts as<br />

well as answer short questions <strong>de</strong>aling with the issues discussed in class.<br />


Asignatura Troncal. Primer Semestre. 6 créditos<br />

Prof. Manuel González <strong>de</strong> la Aleja Barberán<br />


Teorías literarias como el Postestructuralismo o la Deconstrucción han hecho hincapié en la importancia <strong>de</strong>l contexto histórico, cultural e i<strong>de</strong>ológico<br />

en el que lo literario se ha producido. A través <strong>de</strong> su i<strong>de</strong>a <strong>de</strong> que el lenguaje es arbitrario y, por lo tanto, también lo es la realidad que<br />

reproduce, estos críticos han llamado la atención sobre lo arbitrario también <strong>de</strong> la historia, obviamente, otro producto <strong>de</strong>l lenguaje. La “Historia”<br />

se convierte en discurso, no un producto objetivo <strong>de</strong> hechos pasados sino en la narración <strong>de</strong> esos hechos. Un periodo histórico no es una<br />

secuencia lógica e inevitable sobre la realidad sino una construcción i<strong>de</strong>ológica, ficticia, que se impone, simplifica y manipula esa realidad. Ya no

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