I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 93 ]<br />

{iUy altered, and he began to think of his approaching<br />

Dii'iblution. He faid however, the Relations before<br />

given were ftridly true in Faft, and however jocofely<br />

he had began the fame, he would not retract any Thing<br />

therein, being fatisfied in his Confcience, that it was a<br />

Duty incumbent on him to lay the fame open to the<br />

Publick, in Hopes by difcovering the Methods ufed by<br />

his mifchievous Comoanions, he might contribute to the<br />

Welfare of the Publick.<br />

On Tuefiiay, the Day before his Execution, he re-<br />

ceiv'd the Sacrament in the Morning, attended Divine<br />

Service at Chapel, as he ufually had done before, and<br />

defired as little Interruption as poifible, applying him-<br />

ielf ferioufiy to his Devotion.<br />

From the Time of his Sentence he entertained no<br />

Hopes of a Pardon or Reprieve, but as the Time for<br />

his Execution approach'd, he feem'd convinced of the<br />

Injury he had done the Publick, and upon the Advice<br />

of fome worthy Divines who vifited him, faid he was<br />

more fully fatisfied that it was a Duty incumbent on<br />

him to make all the Difcoveries he could ; he there-<br />

fore particularly defired the Town might be informed,<br />

that of late it had, and ftill was a common Praftice to<br />

fteal the Keys out of the Pins of the Windows, and<br />

like wife, that in the Day Time, whilft one or two pf<br />

them went into Shops and amufed the Folks therein<br />

with one frivolous Story or other, fome of their Con-<br />

federates would upon their Hands and Knees come be-<br />

hind their Counters, and thence open or fteal away<br />

the Money Drawers without being perceived.<br />

He likewife mention'd the Names of divers Perfons<br />

v/ho were their Accomplices, and Receivers of ftolen<br />

Goods ; and particularly a Scotch Woman in Leicefler-<br />

Fields, who he faid had cheated them out of Part of<br />

the Plate they ftole in Bride-Lane; another or two in<br />

Drury.-Lane ; and alfo a very notorious one in Chick-<br />

Lane in White-Hor-fe-Alley, which he faid was a com-<br />

mon Receptacle for thofe of his unlawful ProfelTion, and<br />

wliere all the Tlxieves in Towa frequent.<br />


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