I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 55 T<br />

Own Liberty if poffible at. the Expence of hfs Compa-<br />

nions in AffUaion, and acquainting the Captain of the<br />

Veflel of the Intention of the Gentry on Board, he<br />

caufed them to be fearched, and found the Saws, Files,<br />

^c. concealed according to the Information he had<br />

given him. Upon this Difcovery the Captain gave<br />

Blenvitf his Liberty, upon which he pofted up to Londin,<br />

where in concert with his old Friends, he fell to bis old<br />

Trade again, and he was foon committed to his old<br />

Manfion H«ufe at Neiugate, and being tried for re-<br />

turning from Tranfportation, he was convifted; but<br />

pleading the good Service he had done by preventing<br />

the Efcapes of fo many profligate Wretches, the Court<br />

thought fit to refpite the Execution untill the Captain<br />

return'd back to England, and upon Examination find-<br />

ing it to be fo, chang'd his Sentence into Tranfportation<br />

only, and gave him the Liberty of tranfporting him-<br />

felf to any Foreign Part.<br />

Having once more regained his Liberty, he inftead<br />

of tranfporting himfelf purfuant to his Sentence, pur-<br />

fued his old Courfes, and affociated himfelf with the<br />

lower Clafs of Pick-Pockets, Snatchers of Hats, J^'igs,<br />

S-ivordi, &c. till he join'd Burieworth and his Compa-<br />

aiions.<br />

He married feveral Wives during bis Acquaintance<br />

with his Companions before-mention'd; The firft of<br />

which is believed to have been an lioneft and modeit.<br />

Woman, till drove to fuch Extremities as might induce<br />

her to take fome indireft Methods to fupport herfelf;<br />

this Perfon came to Newgate tO' fee him the Day be-<br />

fore they fet out for Kingfton, and died in the Lodge,<br />

He had other Wives befides her, one of them upon<br />

his firtt Tranfportation, whilft he was on Ship-board,<br />

married Emanuel Dickenfon, and is yet living. He was<br />

one of the Accomplices in the Murder of Ball, before-<br />

mentioned ; after which he went over in the Packet-<br />

Boat for Holland, but when the Proclamation came to the<br />

Hands of the Honourable Mr. Finch, the BritiJhVie-<br />

fident at the Hague, he enquired of .feveral EnglijJj<br />

C 4 Gentlemen

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