I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 8i ]<br />

I could long continue at large, I thought it Prudence to<br />

make fome Overtures of Accommodations, but whihl<br />

the Treaty was in Agitation, I was furrounded at a<br />

Brardy-Shop in Chancery-Lane, by the before-mention'd<br />

Perfons one Night, about Eleven o'Clock, who feiz'd<br />

me, and hurrying me into a Coach, carry'd me avvay<br />

to the Elephant and Caftle in Fleet-Lane, from whence a<br />

Deputation from my Body Guard was difpatch'd to Ja-<br />

r,athan, to inform him of my being in Salvo Ciijhdia ;<br />

but to my good Fortune Jonathan v.'as then in Bed, arid<br />

whether he refolv'd to win upon me by my good Na-<br />

ture, or that he was unwilling to rife 1 know not, bat<br />

he direfted them to difcharge me, telling them, that he<br />

had taking my Word for my Appearance, and that I<br />

might attend at his Levee next Morning in fafety ; as I<br />

knew his Temper too well to be trifled with, and that<br />

this Aft of Indulgence would be attended with another<br />

of Severity if J! did not comply, I was difmifled out of<br />

Cuftody for the prefent, and the next Morning had the<br />

Honour of treating my Benefaftor with a Breakfaft at<br />

the Baptift-liead I'avern in the Old-Bailey, where by<br />

way of Attonement for his. Trouble in. my Affair, I pre-<br />

fented him with five Pieces, which prov'd fo good a<br />

Cordial, that all my Tranfgreffions were to be buried in<br />

Oblivion, and Jonathan engag-d for Mr. Wildgoofe, that<br />

wpon my giving him a Bond for his i o Guineas, the<br />

Note I had forg'd fhould be deflroy'd, fo as never to<br />

rife up in Judgment agaioft me for the future ^ accord-<br />

ingly Wildgoofe was fent for,, and upon his Appearance,,<br />

my indulgent Mafter Jonathan ufed fuch Methods of<br />

Perfaafion,. as induc'd my incenfed Adverfary to agree,<br />

and accept of a Bond for the faid Sum of lo Guineas,<br />

to_ be paid I know not when, and that the Forgery<br />

might not be detefted, the Note was- delivered up and<br />

committed to the Flames, to prevent its ever appearing<br />

in Judgment againft me; afterwards we regal'd out<br />

felves, and having receiv'd fome private Document.'!<br />

from my old Mafter Jonathan, we feverally parte;d for<br />

ihspxefent, and as I prefume, each very well pleafed<br />

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