I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[248 3<br />

llhe following Account was written hy Jofeph<br />

Powisy who was convi^ed for Burglary,<br />

Sept. 6, 1732 ; Ukewife fame Letters hy<br />

Way of Jddrefs, which he fent to the Mi-<br />

Jirefs of his JffeSfions.<br />

IW A S born in the Parifh of St. Martin's in the<br />

Fields, on the 30th of Auguft 1710 ; when I went<br />

to School I ufed to play Truant moft enormoufly,<br />

till I was old enough to confider my Lofs. When I was<br />

about eight Years of Age, the famous Mr. Lanx), who<br />

had made fueh a No-ife in Francs during the Time of<br />

the MiJJippi Company, the Parent of our South-Sea<br />

Scheme, eredled feveral Manufaftures, particularly one<br />

for Smith''s Work at Harjleur in Normandy. My Fa-<br />

ther who was efteem'd as fkilful a Workman as any at<br />

that Time, was pitch'd upon by Mr. Laiu to manage<br />

that as an Overfeer, and to teach the Frenchmen the<br />

Smith's, Trade ; he had -iriflpr him thirty VngHJhmeti,<br />

who went over to make up Work after the Englijh Fa-<br />

fhion, and as many Frenchmen and Boys to be taught,<br />

and had on that Account a Salary'of 4000 Li'vres pet-<br />

Ann, he took me with him, and left my Mother and a<br />

younger.|i:5Shg-rA four or five Months my Father was<br />

troubled with an Ague and Fever, which afflifted me as<br />

much as one of my Senfe was capable of j but the Mi<br />

Stroke which made any Thing of an Impreffion on me<br />

was the Death of my Mother, which happen'd when<br />

he had been there about half a Year ; my Father re-<br />

ceiv'd a Letter, and on reading which he burll into<br />

Tears, I afc'd him what was the Matter ? he looking<br />

ftedfaftly at me reply'd, your Mother is dead ! the Words<br />

as he fpoke them went tW my very Soul, and I cry'd<br />


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