I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Ill<br />

the Head, which he had certainly done, had not Gordon<br />

held out another cock'd PiftoJ. and fwore to him again,<br />

that if he fhot he would Ihoot him thro' the Head,<br />

iince the Gentleman had fuffer'd too much already, ha-<br />

ving been fljot thro' the Arm. The faid Gentleman<br />

would not appear againft Mr. Gordon, becaufe altiio' he<br />

had done him a great Injury, yet in another Refpeft he<br />

certainly fav'd his Life. They took from the faid<br />

Gentleman and his Sifter about ij /; and Gordon faid to<br />

him. Sir, 1 am'Very firry that TJhot you, but'tiuasyour"<br />

e^jn Fault, and fo wiih'd him well to London.<br />

Once he ofEr'd to go to fome Country Market wirfi<br />

a certain Friend, or Acquaintance, who faid he fliould<br />

be glad of his Company, if he could pafs any Coach or<br />

Gentleman on the Road without attacking them, Mr.<br />

Gordon gave fair Promifes, as having neither Sword nor<br />

Pillol, or any other Weapon; yet as they were riding<br />

on their Way, Mr. Gordon efpying a Gentleman's Coach<br />

fakJ, What a Pity, there's a Coach txihere J may have<br />

Plenty of Money ; he v/ou!d not be hind'red by his Fel-<br />

low Iraveller, but rode up to the Coach fingle as he<br />

was, where he found about the Coach three or four<br />

Footmen with Blunderbufles j he cali'd to one of the<br />

Footmen, Pray good Friend, delinier this Letter to a Friend<br />

cf mine at London, and with that he gave him a Letter,<br />

and Money for a Pot of Beer ,- in the mean Time his<br />

Eye was fix'd upon the Coach, and the Horfe, as he ufed<br />

to do, went to the Coach Door, where Gordon obferving<br />

the Muzzle oi a Blunderbufs Handing up, he laid Hold<br />

en it, and prefented it to the Gentlemen in the Coach,<br />

and defir'd them to call out to all their Servants not to<br />

flioot at him, otherwife they were all inftantly dead<br />

Men. Accordingly the Gentlemen cry'd aloud to their<br />

Servants not to fhoot J then Mt. Ger^n bid them deli-<br />

iter, whereupon they gave him a Purfe of 35 Guinea^,<br />

upon which he rode off apace, and at a little Diftance<br />

mot the Blunderbufs in the Air, and then threw it<br />

away ; then coming up to his Companion he faid. Set<br />

'what PjUzt (ihewiBg him the VmhcfOo^)'}have got<br />

h/^-fiopping hut a few Minutes in the Road.<br />


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