I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 178 ]<br />

While he was under Sentence he complain'd of be-<br />

ing troubled with impertinent and finful Thoughts<br />

which came into his Mind, diverting him when he was<br />

about religious Duties, which then were the main of his<br />

Employment. The Day before he died a Gentleman<br />

went to fee him, and he entertain'd him with a long<br />

Harangue about very trifling Things, and likewife took<br />

him by the Hand, and faid to him, Monday, Sir, is the<br />

happy Day, meaning the Day of his Execution. He al-<br />

ways made a great Frofeffion of Penitence, wept much,<br />

nnd faid he did not defire to live, and tho' they would<br />

open the Prifon Doors, he did not defire to go out of<br />

it, for he could never enjoy one Moments Peace of<br />

Mind again ; an eminent Inftance of the terrible Confe-<br />

quences of a guilty Confcience.<br />

T!'he following Account, written with his oven<br />

Hand, was given by John Chappel the<br />

Night before his Execution, to the Printer<br />

of this Paper.<br />

TH E great Refleftions of the World hath made<br />

me fomewhat uneafy, but more efpecially my<br />

antient Mother, who mufl bear the Reproach of the<br />

World without the leaft Occafion whatfoever, Ihe being<br />

charg'd with being drunk, and I with my lying with<br />

her every Night, which I do folemnly declare, as I am<br />

a dying Man, is utterly falfe and groundlefs, for I<br />

don't remember that I ever knew my Mother to be<br />

drunk in the whole Courfe of my Life, but as 1 have<br />

heard iier fay, Ihe was once in Liquor when I was an<br />

Infant; and as for the other it is againfl Nature and<br />

Reafon, for flie was always a very fober, honeft, vir-<br />

tuous Woman ; and if I had taken her Counfel, this<br />

Misfortune had never befallen me, for fhe always gave<br />

me the heft Advice, and did not know any Thing of<br />

my keeping Company with this Woman whom I have<br />

mujtd'red, for if Ihe iiad, it had never been done.<br />


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