I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i83 ]<br />

taken up, iiix. May 4, 1730, on J——s for 500).<br />

May 9, on IV s for 1020 /. Augufl 13, on W s<br />

for 100 /. ditto, on W n for zo/. Sept. 5. on Mr.<br />

W 7- r for 200 /. Ditto die on W « for<br />

20 /. Dec. 9, on W m T r for 400 /. on him.<br />

Ditto die for 120 /. Sum of all this is, 2380 /. Thefe<br />

Frauds he carried on againft the Bank fince the 4th of<br />

May laft ; all the Money he cheated the Bank of fince<br />

the Year 1724, he often told me amounted to 4420/.<br />

Sterling. You will find fubjoin'd to this a Letter di-<br />

rciSed to me, written and fign'd by himfelf, giving a<br />

particular Account of the manner of his Apprehen-<br />

fion and Confeffion, before the Deputy Governor of<br />

the Bank, which is as follows.<br />

To the Revd. Mr. JAMES GUTHRIE, Ordinary of<br />

Newgate.<br />

Reverend SIR,<br />

Newgate, March 6, 1731.<br />

I Thought it would be expedted I fliould give fome<br />

Account of myfelf, and the Crime for which I<br />

fuffer, and I am willing fo to do. I am defcended<br />

from a good Family, and was well educated, am<br />

about forty-eight Years of Age, and have for up-<br />

wards of eight Years pafl been a Servant at the<br />

Bank, but being greatly in Debt when I came into<br />

that Service, and not having the due Regard I ought<br />

to have had to God's Holy Commandments, and be-<br />

ing prefled by my Creditors, I contrived Ways to de-<br />

fraud the Bank, and thereby procured Money to my<br />

Creditors, and on Saturday the 2d of January I was<br />

fufpefted and flopt at the Bank, and by the Deputy-<br />

Governor fent tliat Night on Sufpicion to the Comp-<br />

ter, and on Monday hearing that feveral of my<br />

Friends were taken up upon Sufpicion, who were in-<br />

nocept Perfons, and I being defirous to clear them,<br />

" did

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