I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Watch, and his Silver hiked Sword, and fome Parcli-<br />

nient Writings of a confiderable Value, and on his Sub- •<br />

miffion, and having requefted his Writings, we accord-<br />

ingly .delivered them up, and let him pafs, and helped<br />

him to his Watch again, being in the Hands of Mr.<br />

Cakutt, a Pawn-broker in Hounds-Ditch.<br />

We alfo took Opportunities to rob all the Butchers<br />

and Higlers from Epfing-Foreft to Woodford, and con-<br />

tinu'd fo doing for feveral Times, and particularly one<br />

•old Woman who wore a high crown'd Hat of her Mo-<br />

ther's, as file faid, which Hat we took and fearch'd,<br />

and out of the Lining found 3 /. and deliver'd her the<br />

Hat again. On ASon Common we alfo met two Cha-<br />

riots with Gentlemen and Ladies in them, and robb'd<br />

them in Money, Watches, and other Things, to the<br />

Value of 30/.<br />

Soon after our laft Atchievement, my old Comrade<br />

Dick Bird and I ftopt a Coach in the Evening on Houn-<br />

Jla--w-Heath,m which (amongft other Paffengers) were two<br />

precife but couragious ^takers, who had the Affurance<br />

to call us Sons of Violence ; and refufing to comply with<br />

jour reafonable Demands, jump'd out of the Coach to<br />

.give us Battle, whereupon we began a ftiarp Engage-<br />

xnent, and fhew'd them the Arm of Flejh was too ftrong<br />

for the Spirit, which feemM to move very powerfully<br />

within them. After a iliort Conteft, (tho' we never<br />

cfFer'd to fire, for I ever abhorr'd Barbarity, or the more<br />

heinous Sin of Murther) thro' the cowardly Perfua-<br />

iions of their Fellow-Travellers they fubmitted, tho°<br />

fore againft their Inclinations.<br />

As they were ftout F

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