I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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taken her Advice, I had never brought rayfelf to this<br />

untimely End. I die in Charity with all the World,<br />

and the Lord have Mercy on my poor Soul.<br />

The Confejfion of Jofeph Whitlock who was<br />

conviSied for being concerned in the before-<br />

mentioned Robbery.<br />

JOSEPH Whitlock was about 27 Years of Age,<br />

born of honeft Parents in the Country, who put<br />

him to a Farrier in the Country, to which Trade he<br />

ferv'd about four Years; afterwards he marry'd, and<br />

liv'd by his Bufinefs, in which he might have fucceed-<br />

ed very well, but bad Company was his Ruin. He<br />

own'd his committing of many Robberies and Bur-<br />

glaries, in Company with Brsivti and their Aflbciates,<br />

with feveral other V^illainies, particularly the Robbery<br />

and barbarous Ufage of Colonel Des Romahie and his<br />

Maid, and the robbing a Man in Surry, from whom<br />

among other Things |they took a fraall Cafe of Brandy,<br />

with which they were fo intoxicated, that taking the<br />

River at Kingfton, three of them were taken at Putney<br />

faft afleep in a Boat. He feem'd to be a young Man<br />

of goodUnderftanding, tho' wholly corrupted with vi-<br />

cious Difpofitions and Praftices. Under Sentence his<br />

Carriage was civil and modell; he was penitent, hop'd<br />

for Salvation thro' the Mercy of God in Chrill, and<br />

died in Peace with all Mankind.,<br />

m^ m

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