I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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fide, and when they came there, thomas Billings fet<br />

down the Pail, and this Examinant took it up, and<br />

threw it into the 'Thames, and fo both return'd to Mrs.<br />

Hayes\ LocigingF, and went to Bed in the Fore Room,<br />

in which Room Mrs. Hayes fat up all Night.<br />

' And this Examinant farther confeffeth and faith.<br />

That the next Morning as foon as it was light, Ca-<br />

tkeriite Hayes, Thomas Billings, and this Extmir.ant,<br />

began to coufult what they mull do with the Body :<br />

That Catherine Hayes propofed to put it in a Box<br />

which fhe had by her, and put it in a Coach and carry-<br />

it away, ar.d throw it into the Thames j that they all<br />

ende;..vour'd, but the Box was not large enough to-<br />

hold it; upon which Catherine Hayes propofed to cut<br />

it in Pieces, which (lie, Iho. Billings, and this Exa-<br />

• minant did, and put into the Box, where it remained<br />

til! Night, and then all agreed to carry it out in Par-<br />

' eels ; and that about Nine o'Clock at Night, ^hcmat<br />

Billings and this Examii.ant took the Carcafs in a<br />

Blanket, and carry'd it by Turns to a fort of a Pond<br />

or a Ditch in Marybone-tieMs, and threw it in with<br />

' the Blanket, and then return'd again to Mrs. Hayes'i<br />

' Lodgings, being Eleven o'Clock at Night, and then<br />

' took the Limbs in a piece of a Blanket, and by Tumi<br />

CTry'd them to the fame Place, and threw them into-<br />

the larre Pond, and return'd again about Twelve or<br />

• One o'clock the fame Night, and knock'd at the<br />

Door, and were let in by Mary Springate: That they<br />

went to Bed in the fore Room, and that Catherine<br />

Hayes was in the fame Room, and fometimes went<br />

and lay down on their Bed.<br />

' And this Examinant farther confeffeth and faith.<br />

That on 'Thurjday being the 3d of March Inftant, he<br />

went to Greenford, near Harroiv in Middle/ex, and<br />

carry'd with him a White Coar, and a pair cf Lea-<br />

thern Ereechee, which were Mr. Hayes'i, and are<br />

row £i Mr. Bonvcrb in Greenford iiforeiiiid.<br />

' And this Examinant farther confeffeth and faith.<br />

That on Saturday, being the 5 th Day of March In-<br />


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