I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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wherein he continued for the Space of an Hour and<br />

three JV'Iinutes, under a Weight of 300 three Quarters<br />

and two Pounds ; whilll he continued under the Prefsj<br />

he endeavour'd to beat his Brains out againll: the<br />

Floor.<br />

During Tvhich Time the Hi^h-SherifF himfelf was<br />

prefent, and frequently exhorted him to plead to the<br />

Indiftment, which at laft he confcnted to do ; and be-<br />

ing brought up to Court, after a Trial which lafted<br />

from eight in the Morning until one in the Afternoon,<br />

on the firft Day of April they were all fix found guilty<br />

of the Indiftment, and being remanded back to the<br />

Stock-Hcufe, were all chain'd and ftapled down to the<br />

Floor.<br />

After their Conviftion, they diverted themfelves<br />

vith repeating Jefts and Stories, particularly with the<br />

manner of their efcaping before out of the Hands of<br />

Juflice, and the Robberies and Offences they had com-<br />

jTiicted ; and it being propCfed for the Satisfaftion of<br />

the World for them to leave the Particulars of the fe-<br />

veral Robberies by tliem committed, Bumworth reply'd,<br />

that were he to relate all the Robberies by him com-<br />

mited, a hundred Sheets of Paper wrote as clofe as<br />

could be would not contain them.<br />

Notwithilanding what had been alledg'd by Hlggs of<br />

his forfaking his Companions in the Fields, it appear'd<br />

by other Evidence, that he follow'd his Companions to<br />

Bair% Houfe, and was feen hovering about the Door<br />

during the Time the Murder was committed, with a<br />

Pillol in his Hand.<br />

On Monday the fourth Day of April they receiv'd<br />

Sentence of Death, Mr. Juftice Denton nmde a very pa-<br />

thetick Speech to them, and they beg'd the Court to in-<br />

dulge them with the Liberty of feeing their Friends,<br />

which was granted ; and being remanded back again to<br />

Prifon, their Thoughts were wholly bent on making<br />

their Efcapes ; for which Purpofe they had fmall Files,<br />

which were conceal'd in the Waiilband of their Breeches,<br />

and Bhivit found Means to convey a Letter to an Ac-<br />


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