I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[95]<br />

knowledge the Juftice of my Sentence, I patiently<br />

fubmit to the fame, without any Rancour, Ill-Will<br />

or Malice to any Perfon whatfocver, hoping through<br />

the Merits of Chrift Jefus, (who laid down his Life<br />

for Sinners, and who upon the Crofs pronounced a<br />

Pardon for the repenting Thief under the Agonies of<br />

Death) to be with him admitted to partake of that<br />

glorious Refurreftion and Immortality he has beeafo<br />

gracioufly pleafed to proniife to the fmcere Penitent.<br />

I earneftly and exhort and beg of all here prefent to<br />

think ferioufly of Eternity, a long and endlefs Eter-<br />

nity ! in which we are to be rewarded or punifhed ac-<br />

cording to our good or evil Aftions in this World ;<br />

that you will all take Warning by me, and reftrain<br />

from all wilful Tranfgreffions and Offences ; let a re-<br />

ligious Difpofition prevail upon you, and ufe your ut-<br />

moft Endeavours to forfake and flee from Sin. The<br />

Mercies of God are great, and he can fave even at<br />

the lafl: Moment of Life ; yet do not therefore pre-<br />

fume too much, leail you provoke him to caft you<br />

off in his Anger, and become fearful Examples of<br />

Wrath and Indignation. Let me prevail upon you to<br />

forget and forgive me all the Offences and Injuries<br />

I have either committed or pronjoted in Aftion, Ad-<br />

vice, or Example, and intreat your Prayers for me,<br />

that the Lord would in Mercy look down upon me in<br />

the laft Moments of my Life.<br />

He was executed at lyhum the 27th of March \-]Z%\<br />


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