I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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ind being convifted, was executed; but BurniuOHlj<br />

own'd he committed this Robbery himfelf.<br />

Tho' BurniKorth knew the Proclamation was out,<br />

with a Reward of 300 /. for the apprehending him,<br />

yet he feem'd to defy all Attempts to take him, and<br />

had the audacity one Morning to go into a Publick<br />

Houfe near Holborn-Bridge, where hg was known, and<br />

fitting down by the Door, with a Piftol ready charg'd<br />

in his Hand, he call'd for a Pint of Drink, which be-<br />

ing brought him he drank off, and throwing down three<br />

Half-pence for the fame, went off without any farther<br />

Concern.<br />

He then lodg'd with the Wife and Sifter of one Kitt<br />

Leonard, another of their Companions, who had been<br />

for feme Tim.e a Prifoner in the new Goal for the<br />

County of Burry ; Kitt Leonard thought it would be a<br />

means of recommending himfelf to the Mercy of the<br />

Government if.he discovered him, and accordingly he<br />

orderM his Wife to apply to fome of his Majefty's Ju-<br />

llices of the Peace to acquaint tliem of his Intention,<br />

•i\'hich fhe doing, the Propofition was readily approv'd<br />

of; and accordingly fix Perfons being appointed to take<br />

him, they were planted at an adjoining Alehoufe,<br />

v.'here Kate, the Wife of Kit Leonard, was to give tl«;ra<br />

the Signal.<br />

About fix o'Clock;in the Evening on Shrove-Tuefday,<br />

Kate Leonard s.vA\\er\SWitr, and Burn^uorth, being all<br />

together, ^sff-propofed to fry fome Pancakes for Sup-<br />

p.T, and accordingly her Sifter fet about them, Burn-<br />

oucirtZ'had put cif his Surtout Coat, in the Pocket and<br />

Lining wdiereof he had feveral Fiftols; there was a little<br />

back Door to the Houfe, which Burniuorth ufually kept<br />

upon the Latch only, in order to make his Efcape if he<br />

fnould be furpriz'd iu .that Houfe; this Door Kate<br />

pn\'ately bolted unpereeiv'd by Burn'wort]), and whilft<br />

i>,^'r Sifter was frying the Pancakes, Kate went to the<br />

Alehouie for a-Pot of Drink, when having giving the<br />

/Vien v/lio were waiting for him the Signal flie return'd,<br />

•ji'.J e^'.fering ths Houfe pretending to lock,the Door,

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