I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[285]<br />

ftrefs to take my Leave of her this being the Day on<br />

which I was to fct out, I paid the Crown, and break-<br />

fafted with her, took my Leave, and fo we parted, they<br />

verily thinking I was gone to the Inn, and fo on my<br />

Journey.<br />

Here the Reader may perhaps afl?, What was my In-<br />

tention in pretending to go when I knew the Letter<br />

was not real ? To tnis I anfwer, Tiiat finding I had<br />

brought myfclf to this Dilemma, I refolved to be in-<br />

cognito till I had met with fome Prize that was confi-<br />

derable, and then returning to fsy, nat my Grandfa-<br />

ther had give it me ; and thus I was deceiving Man-<br />

kind, and at the fame Time endeavouring to deceive ray<br />

felf, which as it was all my doing, I cou'd blame no<br />

body elfe for the Confequence fo fatal to me.<br />

When I was gone an unufual Melancholy feized me,<br />

which I endeavour'd to fliake off by getting into Com-<br />

pany ; and at Night I went to fee the Beggars Opera,<br />

to which was added the Mock Doaor ; but when Capt.<br />

Mackheath came fetter'd upon the Stage, I fell into a<br />

greater Melancholy than before, as if my Mind pre-<br />

fag'd the Misfortune I was to be under, of being what<br />

he only perfonated, i. e. a Condemn'd Man.<br />

I went to an Inn that Night, and calling for a Quar-<br />

tern of Brandy I drank it, and defired them to Ihew<br />

me a Bed, I found myfelf much better next Morning,<br />

by the AiTiftance of Reft, but did not attempt any thing<br />

that Week ; but the next Monday Night, or rather Tuef-<br />

day Morning, I got into the Shop of Mrs. Price, a<br />

Cook, at the upper End of Fhiver-de-Luce-Court, from<br />

whence I took a large Copper Difh, and a Brafs one,<br />

feveral Pewter Difnes and Plates, five Silver Tea Spoons,<br />

a fet of China, and a large Table Cloth, &c. which<br />

yielded me juft a Guinea ; for being well dreffed, I<br />

went to a Siherfmith''s, and fold the Spoons for their<br />

intrinfick Value ; but the other Things I fold to one<br />

who buys all forts of ftolen Goods.<br />

One Day coming by Newgate^ it came into my Head<br />

to call and fee fome of the Prifoners who remained there<br />

ever<br />


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