I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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t 347 1<br />

they pack'd up in Baggs, and loaded their Horfes there-<br />

with ; but during this Time, Mr. Mafin'% Man got out<br />

of the Houfe, defigning to get one of the Horfes out of<br />

his Mafter's Stable, in order to go and raife the Coun-<br />

try to their Affiftance, but fome of the Rogues difcover'd<br />

him, purfued and fir'd at him, but he got off, raifed the<br />

Country, and about Eight o'Clock returned with forty<br />

or fifty Perfons to affift him ; but when they c?.me,<br />

found they were gone off with their Booty, and had al-<br />

fo taken all the Fire Arms they could End in Mr. Ma-<br />

fins. Houfe with them, which they carry'd as far as<br />

Cambridge-Heath, and there threw them into a Pond,<br />

to prevent being found in their Cuftody. Thus they<br />

efcaped for that Time, yet had the Affurance on the Sun-<br />

day Night following, to come in a Body to the Num-<br />

ber of twelve or fourteen of them into the Neighbour-<br />

hood, and were feen to go down Three-Conei-Lane, near<br />

the Forrefl", and were heard to threaten fome of the<br />

Neighbourhood, but they did not do any Thing farther<br />

at that Time.<br />

On Saturday the 11 th of January, at feven or eight<br />

o'clock in the Eveqing, Fielder, IValker, and three o-<br />

thers, came to the Door of Mr. Saunders, a wealthy<br />

Farmer at Charlton in Kent, and knocking thereat, en-<br />

quir'd if Mr. launders was at Home ? being anfwered<br />

he was, the Door being open, they all rufhed in, and<br />

went direStly into the Parlour, where Mr. Saundsr'i<br />

Wife and fome Friends were at Cards, they defircd<br />

them not to be frighten'd, for that they would not hurt<br />

their Perfons if they fet Mil, and made no Difturbancc.<br />

The firft Thing they l.iid Hands on was a Silver Snuff-<br />

box, which lay upon the Table before them, and ha-<br />

ving fecured the reft of the Company, obliged Mr.<br />

Saunders to go about the Houfe with them, and open<br />

his Clofets, Boxes, and Scrutore, from whence they<br />

took upwards of i oo /. in Money, and all the Plate in<br />

the Houfe, a Velvet'Hood, Manteel, and other Things.<br />

Whilft this was doing, the Servant Maid got loofe and<br />

ran up Stairs, barr'd herfelf into one of the Rooms, and_<br />

called out of the Window for Affiftance, in Hopes of<br />

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