I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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" did fend^Word by a Friend to the Deputy-Governor,<br />

" that if I might be admitted to the Tranfporting my-<br />

" felf to the Ifland of Jamaica, to end my Days<br />

" there, I would make a full Difcovery of the whole<br />

" Fraud, and impeach a Perfon criminally concern'd<br />

" with me ; my Friend brought me Word, the De-<br />

" puty Governor's Anfwer was, That if I luas the frft<br />

" that imfeach'd it might be the better for me, hut thai<br />

" he 'vjas but one amongfl Je-veral others, and therefore<br />

" could make no ahfihte Promife ; upon which, my<br />

" Friend advifing me to make the free Confeffion I had<br />

" ofter'd, and the Deputy-Governor fending for ffle by<br />

" the Keeper the fame Evening, I was brought before<br />

" him at the Bank, and making the fame Requeft to<br />

" him myfelf, as my Friend had done, I receiv'd the<br />

" like Anfwer, which both my Friend and myfelf, un-<br />

" happily underftanding as a I'romife of Recommenda-<br />

" tion to the Court of Direftors, for the Mercy of<br />

" Tranfportation ; and I believing that the Deputy-<br />

" Governor would not accept my Confeffion and Im-<br />

" peachment, without having an Intention of procu-<br />

" ring me the Mercy I implor'd for, and I being very<br />

" defirous to clear the innocent Perfons that were con-<br />

" fined on Sufpicion, I did thereupon impeach a Perfon<br />

" that was guilty, and made a full Difcovery of the<br />

" whole Fraud, and fign'd m.y Confeffion, and making<br />

" Oath againft the Perfon I had impeached, he was the<br />

" next Day taken and committed to Neivgate, (but I<br />

" hear is fmce difcharg'd). The firft Note'l was indi-<br />

" aed upon was a Bank Note of 50/. with which,<br />

" and about 57/. more in Money, I had procur'd to<br />

" be bought a South-Sea Bond, which Bond I returned<br />

" to the Bank the Day after I had made my Confcf-<br />

" fion ; and I alfo return'd with it another Bank Note^<br />

" of 50 /. which had had two Indorfements taken oft*<br />

" from it, and which was all that I had, and upon<br />

" which the fecond Indiftment was founded ; thus<br />

" having fully confefled my Crime, and throwing my-<br />

" felf entirely upon the Mercy of the Honourable<br />

^ " Court

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