I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i68 ]<br />

This necefiarily took up a great deal of Time, fo<br />

that had they been wife enough to improve the Hours<br />

that were left, they had almoil half a Years 'I'ime to<br />

prepare themfelves for Death ; tho' they cruelly deny'd<br />

the poor Mate a few Moments to commend his Soul to<br />

God's Mercy, even after he was half murd'red before.<br />

I fay, they had almoft half a Year, for they were moft<br />

of them in Cuftody the latter End of January, and<br />

they were not Executed till the n th of June.<br />

The Greyhound arriv'd in the River the 26th of<br />

March, and the next Day came to an Anchor at Wooi-<br />

lAjtch, and the Pyrates being put into Boats appointed<br />

to receive them, with a ftrong Guard to attend them,<br />

were brought on Shore the 30th, and convey'd to the<br />

Marpaljea Prifon in Southivark, where they were de-<br />

liver'd to the Keeper of the faid Pnfon, and were laid<br />

in Irons, and there they had the Mortification to meet<br />

their Lieutenant Williams, who was brought Home by<br />

the Ar^yle Man of War from Lisbon, and had been<br />

committed to the fame Prifon but a very few Days.<br />

Indeed as it was a Mortification to them, fo it was<br />

more to him, for tho' he might be fecrctly pleafed,<br />

that thofe who had fo cruelly (as he call'd it) put him<br />

into the Hands of Juftice, by the fending him to Lisbon,<br />

were brought into the fame Circumftances with him-<br />

feif; yet on the other Hand, it could not but be a ter-<br />

rible Mortification to him, that here now were fuffici-<br />

ent V/itneffes found to prove his Crimes upon him,<br />

which were not fo eafy to be had before.<br />

Being thus laid faft, it remain'd to proceed againft<br />

them in due Form, and this took up fome longer Time<br />

flill.<br />

On Friday the 2d of Jfril, they were all carry'd<br />

to DoHlors-Commons, where the proper Judges being pre-<br />

fent, they were exan-.in'd, by which Examination due<br />

Meafuies were taken for the farther Proceedings ; for as<br />

they were not equally Guilty, fo it was needful to de-<br />

termine who it was proper to bring to an immediate<br />

Trial, and who being lefs Guilty, were proper Obji-fts<br />


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