I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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merly. Being arrived at the fatal Tree, they were all<br />

fix (together with Blackburn) ty'd up. Bie'wit and<br />

Dickerjbn were the molt devout and ferious, and pray'd<br />

with great Earneftnefs, defiring their Example might be<br />

a Warning to all young Men : And Bleiuit defired the<br />

Speftators not to refledl on his Mother upon his Ac-<br />

count ; for that fhe had often with Tears on her Knees,<br />

requefted him to forfake his wicked Life, which he<br />

confeffed to have follow'd for fixteen Years paft, and<br />

faid his firft Fadl was Healing a Silver Spoon in the<br />

OU-Baiky. He had given his Cloaths to his Mother,<br />

but being inform'd he was to be hung in Chains, he<br />

defired his Brother that his Mother might returmhem,<br />

to prevent his being hung up in his Shirt. B/envit not<br />

only named the Penitential Pfalm at the Place of Execu-<br />

tion, but repeated the Words of it to the other Cri-<br />

minals, and fet the Tune to it.<br />

Dickenfon faid he had ferv'd for feme Time as a Foot<br />

Soldier under his Father, who had been a Lieutenant<br />

and not a Major as he was commonly called.<br />

Bleivit, Dickenfon, and Berry had provided Coffins,<br />

not expefting to be hung in Chains. Bleivit defired<br />

the Executioner to tie him up in the manner that he<br />

might be fooneft out of Pain ; after which they all fix<br />

mutually killed each other, and after fome private Eja-<br />

culations the Cart drew off, and Dickenfon was obferv'd<br />

to die very hard, after he had hung about two Minutes,<br />

the Agonies of Death being ftrong upon him, he kick'd<br />

off one of his Shoes and loofened the other.<br />

As for Blackburn who was executed with them for<br />

robbing on the Highway, we Ihall only fay it was the<br />

Perfon who fwore againft his Mafter Mr. Huntridge,<br />

fome Time fince ; he was grofly ignorant and illiterate,<br />

and behav'd himfelf very flupidly; he indeed acknow-<br />

ledged he had been a common Robber for feveral<br />

Years paft, and vtry much infefted the Kingfton Road,<br />

efpecially near the Place where they fufFered.<br />

After they had hung the ufual Time they were cut<br />

down, Blackburn^s Boay was carried off in a Coach by<br />


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