I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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feme Children, but they had all the good Fortune to<br />

die before him. He faid he had ferv'd a well known<br />

JNobleman, who went abroad a few Years ago, to re-<br />

turn no More; and that he underftood the Peruke-ma-<br />

ker's Bufmefs, and had got Money by ferving Men of<br />

Quality in that Way : He likev/ife faid, that about<br />

the Time of the late Rebellion, he did feveral good<br />

Services, kept fome Gentlemen from joining in thr.t<br />

unnatural Rebellion, and travelled over beft Part of<br />

England ^nA Scotland, upon that Occafion.<br />

His Father was pofleflcd of an Eftate, and kept a<br />

good Farm in the Country, and had given him feveral<br />

Sums of Money, of which he never made any good<br />

Ufa; for tiiat Reafon he had not much left him by Jiis<br />

Father at his Death, and was the lefs efteem'd by his<br />

Relations. He faid that he had always been a fober<br />

Man, and hated Curfmg and Swearing, and other Vi-<br />

ces, that he ever ihunn'd idle Company, and lov'd a<br />

quiet, peaceable Life.<br />

The Account he gave of the Murder of Robert Or-<br />

mei, for which he died, was to this Purpofe.<br />

On the 19th Day of Jfril 1731, which was Enfler-<br />

Monday, he walk'd out alone as far as Chelfca, for his<br />

Diverfion j when he was upon his Return to Town, the<br />

Sun was pretty hot, and he being thirfty, went into<br />

En Ale-houfe in Chelfea-Fiekis, where there was a<br />

Company of People, altogether Strangers to him, who<br />

fwore and blafphem'd very much ; he gently reprov'd<br />

them, faying, that there could be no Profit in ufmg<br />

fuch execrable Oaths, and that it v/ou!d be much better<br />

to be more fmooth in their Converfation, and not to<br />

provoke God by fuch vain and very fmful Language ;<br />

they told him he had no Bufmefs to reprove tliem, and<br />

provok'd him to call them Scrubs, infilling on it that<br />

Jie was a Gentleman and a Scholar, and repeated Si<br />

Deus efl Jnhniis, S;c. They bid him pay his Reckoning<br />

and be gone, and faid, they doubted if he had any<br />

Money in his Pocket, i^'c. feveral Satyrical ExprelTi-<br />

ons having paft, he was weary of their Company, paid<br />


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