I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 254 ]<br />

ing waked out of my Sleep, and not having a Mind that<br />

they ihould know any more than they could find out, I<br />

fpoke not a Word, they then went to my Neil, and<br />

examining it, found the Things which I told you o£<br />

before; upon feeing which, and the Boots and Stock-<br />

ings making the Matter clearer, I told them how I got<br />

in, and in ihort own'd the whole of every Thing. They<br />

then fent for a Conilable and charg'd me, and went to<br />

fee if the Juftice was at Leifure, but he it feems was<br />

gone out of Town, fo they hired thereupon a couple of<br />

fturdy Fellows to fit up with me, and I thought if I<br />

got from them it muft be fome Policy or other.<br />

Now ail the Family were gone to Bed and left me and<br />

the two Fellows with Beer and Tobacco before us, e-<br />

nough to make us all drunk, of which I pretended to<br />

drink very heartily, and took the Pot oftner than k<br />

came to my Turn, and at laft pretended to fall faft a-<br />

fleep, and fnoared enormoufly, but at the fame Time<br />

heard all they faid j Zounds, fays one, h(nij found the<br />

poor Felkvj Jleeps not'withflanding his Misfortune : Ah,<br />

lays the fecond, being alraoll as faft afleep feemingly as<br />

I was ; Jack, cries the iirft, you are afleep. No, fays<br />

the fecond, iut I am njery fleepy, do let me fleep for art<br />

Hour and then mjake me, and Fll tvatch nuhileyou fleep ;<br />

agreed, fays the lirfl:, and fo the fecond fettled himi'elf<br />

to fleep, and in about a quarter of an Hour the firil<br />

overtook him. As foon as I found they were both,<br />

faft, J rofe and went towards the Place where they had<br />

hung the Boots, which they had pulPd off as foon as<br />

they had took me; but before I could get at them, the<br />

Matter of the Houfe waked, and hearing no Noife, calls<br />

to one of them by his Name, who not anfwering, he<br />

jump'd out of Bed, and came down Stairs to wake<br />

them: As foon as I heard him move I got into my<br />

Place, and was as faft afleep as ever; Pi^thee, fays he<br />

to them, Dont fleep, you'll let thi Man get an>jay ; on<br />

which they rouzM, No, fays they, ave ivon^t. Upon<br />

•whicli the Mafter of the Houfe went up to Bed again,<br />

and in a few Minutes my Guards were relapfed into a<br />

State<br />


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