I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i6i ]<br />

which the Fellow took to his Heels, and Mr. Fea beln;^<br />

ill his Boat, did not think it worth while to Land again<br />

to purfue him. This put an End to all Parley for the<br />

prefent, but had the Pyrates fuececd in this Attempt,<br />

they would fo far have gain'S their Point, that either<br />

they niuft have been affifted, or Mr. Fea ntuft have been<br />

facrific'd.<br />

The two Letters from Gtm; were one for Mr. Fea,<br />

and the other for his Wife, the firft was much to the<br />

fame Furpofe as the former, only that in this Gow re-<br />

qaeftcd tiie great Boat, with her Mafts, Sails, and Oars,<br />

and with fome Provifions to tranfport themfelves where<br />

they thought fit to go for their own Safety, offering to<br />

•leave the Ship and Cargo to Mr. Fea, and threat'ning,<br />

that if the Men of War arriv'd (for Mr. Fea had given<br />

him Notice, that he expefted two Men of War) before<br />

he was thus affiiled, tl^y would fet Fire to- the Ship,<br />

and blow themfelves up ; fo that as they had liv'd, they<br />

wou'd all die together.<br />

The Letter to Mrs. Fea was, to defire her to inter-<br />

cede with her Hufband, and pleading that he v/as their<br />

Countryman, and had been her Hulband's School-fellow,<br />

bfc. but no Anfwer was return'd to either of thefe<br />

Letters.<br />

On the 17 th in the Morning, contrary to Expedla-<br />

tion, Go-TV himfelf came on Shore upon the C«^ Ifland,<br />

unarm'd except his Sword, and alone, except one Man<br />

at a Diflance, carrying a white Flag, making Signals<br />

for a Parley.<br />

Mr. Fea, who by this Time had gotten more People<br />

about him, immediately fent one Mr. Fea of Whitehall,<br />

to a Gentleman of his own Family, with five other<br />

Perfons well arm'd, over to the Ifland, with Orders if<br />

it was poflible to feize GOIM, by any means, either dead<br />

or alive : When they came on Shore he propofed that<br />

one of them, whofe Name v/as Scollary, a Matter of a<br />

VeflTel, fhould go on Board the Ship, as Hoftage for<br />

this Go=w\ Safety, and Scollary confenting, GQVJ himfelf<br />

conduftfid him to the Ship's Side.<br />


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