I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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t 320 ]<br />

tUefoUo^hj^ Account Whitlock defired might<br />

be made Publkk.<br />

W A S born in Wiltpire, put Apprentice to a Smith<br />

and Farrier in Salisbury, where I ferv'd my Mailer<br />

four Vears ; after which I went away from him, by<br />

ileafan of a young Woman I kept Company with,-<br />

%vbom I left behind me and came to London ; being dc-<br />

Hitute cf all Friends, but got into Bufinefs in a very<br />

little Time, and ccntinu'd therein for near five Years,<br />

being well refpe&ed by all my Acquaintance ; after the<br />

five Years was expir'd I marry'd my prefent Wife, who<br />

then lived nt Lambeth, where I fettled, and by whom I<br />

have had five Children, t",'o whereof are now living ;<br />

we liv'd together for near fx Years well refpffted, but<br />

being acquainted v/ith Jofeph Adciifon a Barber, who<br />

jiv'd at Lambeth, and ufually drinking with him at one<br />

/f_ n'-i, wlio kept the Bell Ale-houfe there, I was<br />

drawn in by him freauecriy to drink and lo-fe my Time;<br />

which was tlic tirft bringing rac to my uniiappy Misfor^<br />

tanes, which began about two Years and half ago, when<br />

inyfelf, Addifon, and others {thro' Addifori'i Perfiia-<br />

fioii} vvent to tjie Biftiop of Canterbiirfi Palace anJ<br />

ftole fix Gttic, which we carry'd to W n\ the next<br />

Day, wliere we had one dreiTed that Night for Supper,<br />

and Siared the other five among us, of which W——n<br />

had a Part.<br />

The next Thing I committed thro' Addifon's Inftiga-<br />

tion was, he ivearing I had a Brother who liv'd in<br />

Church-Lane in Rag-Fair, worth a great deal of Mo-<br />

ney, upon wiiich ho perfaaded me to rob him, which<br />

I did accordingly, and at feveral Times took from him<br />

near 150/. which I did in the following manner; be-<br />

ii5g well lelpeded by my Brother, I ufed every Sunday<br />


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