I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 234 j<br />

nate Temper, yet as his Friends declared, he was never<br />

quarrelforae or impertinent in Converfation, but was ob-<br />

liging to every Body ; yet at Home he was never eafy,<br />

but was barbarous in his Carriage to his Wife, altho' lie<br />

declared that he lov'd her above all Women, and that<br />

he never intended to murder her, tho' he might ufc<br />

fome rafh and unguarded Exprefiions without any De-<br />

fign. No Perfuafions or Arguments could make him al-<br />

ter his Confeflion.<br />

He did not appear fo much afFefted as one would<br />

wifli, but oftentimes declared his Innocence to Crowds<br />

of People in the Chapel, and to his Acquaintances ;<br />

but how to judge of thefe his folemn Proteftations we<br />

know not. He declar'd himfelf penitent for all the<br />

Offences of his Life, that he hop'd to be fav'd by<br />

the Mercy of God thro' the Merits of Chrift our bleffed<br />

Saviour, and that he heartily forgave all Injuries done<br />

him, as he expefted Forgivenefs from God.<br />

The Morning before he died he fhew'd a great deal<br />

of Refolution, and undaunted Courage in his Carriage,<br />

and when Prayers were near a Conclufwn, he defired<br />

earneftly, as the laft Favour to be granted him upon<br />

Earth, that the Blefled Sacrament might be adminiftr'd<br />

to him, which was accordingly done, and he receiv'd it<br />

apparently with great Serioufnefs and Devotion.<br />

I alked him if it was true, that he with fome others,<br />

had murd'rcd the Mate of a Ship, upon or near the<br />

River, and thrown him into the Sea, and carry'd off<br />

700 /. which they knew he had about him ? He faid,<br />

it was a moil fcandalous and falfe Report, if any body<br />

fpoke fo of him, for he never was concern'd in any<br />

Murder. At the Tree when Prayers were over, and the<br />

Cart ready to be drawn away, he look'd into the Coach<br />

where I with fome others were, and fmiling faid,<br />

(meaning the Evidences) T^e Lot-d forgive them, they<br />

knavj not nxhat they hwve done. He went off the Stage<br />

crying out. Lord have Mercy upon me. Lord "Jefus rt-<br />

cei've my Spirit, God haiie Mercy upon me, Sec.<br />


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