I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 226 ]<br />

inongfl them, I had tied a Handkerchief about my<br />

Head, tore my Woollen Cap in many Places, as like-<br />

wife my Coat and Stockings, and look'd exactly like<br />

what I defigned to reprefent a Beggar Fellow.<br />

The next Day I took flicker at an Ale-houfe of little<br />

or ro Trade in Rupert-ftreet near Fkcadilly ; the Wo-<br />

man and I difcourfed much about Sheppaiti, I aflbred<br />

her it \^as impoffible for him to efcape out of the<br />

Kingdom, and that the Keepers would have him again<br />

jn a few Da3's j the Woman wifli'd that a Curfe might<br />

fail on thofe who fliould betray him. I continu'd there<br />

till the Evening, when I Jlept towards the Hay-Mar-<br />

ket, and mix'd with a Crowd about two Ballad Singers,<br />

the Subjeft being about Sheppard, and I remember the<br />

Company was very merry about the Matter.<br />

On Tuefday I hir'd a Garret for my Lodging at a<br />

poor Houfe in Ninvport-Market, and fent for a fober<br />

young Woman, who for a long Time part had been the<br />

leal Miftrefs of my Affedions, who came to me, and<br />

rend'red all the Affiflance ihe was capable of affording.<br />

I made her the MefTenger to my Mother, who lodg'd<br />

in Clare-Jiieet ; flie likewife viiited me in a Day or two<br />

after, begging on her bended Knees of me to make the<br />

beft of my Way out of the Kingdom, which I faith-<br />

fully promifed; but I cannot fay it was in my Intentions<br />

heartily fo to do.<br />

I was oftentimes in Spittle-field!, Drury-hne, New<br />

tenor S'lane, Parker"s-lane, St. Thomas-ftreet, Sec. thofe<br />

having been the chief Scenes of my Rambles and Plea-<br />

fures.<br />

I had once form'd a Deiign to have open'd a Shop or<br />

two in Monmouth-ftreet for fome Neceffaries, but let that<br />

drop, and came to "a Refolution of breaking the Houfe<br />

of the two Mr Ranvliitgs^s, Brothers and Paiviibrokeis<br />

in Drury Lane, v/hich accordingly I put into Execution,<br />

and fucceeded, they both hearing me rifling their Goods<br />

as they lay in Bed together in the next Room; and tho'<br />

there were none to affift me, I pretended there was, by<br />

loudly giving out Direftions for ^looting the firft Perfon<br />


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