I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Guinefis, one Broad Piece, value::;/, fouj'Broad Picceis<br />

val. 25/. each, one half Broad Piece, val. IT J. 6d;'z^ s.<br />

in Silver, a Silver Tunkard.value 40 J. a Canvas Bag, va-<br />

lue I d. and two Smocks, value izs. on the faid 4th<br />

of Felruaty, in the Night.<br />

She pleaded not Guilty to all thefe Indiftmcnts; but<br />

upon her Trial fhe own'd herfelf Guilty of the Felony<br />

and Burglary, and deny'd all the Murders.<br />

She v/as firil indifled for the Murder of Ann Price, the<br />

young Servant Maid, and upon evidtnt circumftantiaF<br />

Proof found Guilty of the Indiflment.<br />

She was 22 Years of Age, defctnded of honeft, cre-<br />

ditable Parents in the County oiDurL'am; her Father<br />

(as fhe faid) had a pretty Eftate about 100 /. fcr Jmi.<br />

Hvhich he foon ran. out, and then his Wife, her Mather,<br />

being an Irifi Woman went to Duhlia, and there pur-<br />

chafed a publick Place of the City, liv'd in good Cre-<br />

dit, and gave her a very good Education. She liv'd<br />

with her Father and Mother in Dublin a confidcrabia<br />

Time, and fome Years ago, her Parents coming to<br />

London about certain Affairs, fhe came with them, and<br />

went to Service, and lived in feveral good Families,<br />

where (he did her Bufinefs to the Satisfaftion of her<br />

IvIiilrefTes, and was never blam'd for Difhonelly.<br />

After her Father had fettled his Affairs here he re-<br />

turn'd to Ireland, and her Mother dying about that<br />

Time, Sarah was left to herfelf, and quitting her Ser-<br />

vice, fhe got Employment as a Chairwoman or Laun-<br />

drefs in the Temple, where fhe ferv'd fome Gentlemen<br />

for a confiderable Time. Before this fhe was in a Place<br />

call'd the Black Horfe Ale-houfe, where fhe renew'd her<br />

former Acquaintance with one Mrs. Tracty, and where<br />

file contrafted Acquaintance with the two Brothers,<br />

Thomas and James Akxander.<br />

And fhe faid, that TraceyixAxladz young Men of-<br />

ten advifed her to rob her Mafler, and this fhe always<br />

refufed to do. The younger of the Brothers propofed<br />

to go to her Miflrefs, and tell her that Sarah having<br />

been faiaiJiar with ht;r Huflband, had provided Poifon<br />


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