I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ ^9^ ]<br />

knowing the Information he had made to be but a blind<br />

Amufement that would avail him nothing, he began to<br />

meditate an Efcape. They had been thus detained for<br />

about four Days, and their Friends hiving the Liberty<br />

of feeing them, furnifli'd him with Implements proper<br />

for his Defign, accordingly Mr. Sheppard goes to Work,<br />

and on the zgth of Ma^; being Whitfon-Monday, at<br />

sbout Two o'clock in the Morning, he had compleated<br />

a prafticable Breach, and fawed off his Fetters; having<br />

with unheard of Diligence and Dexterity cut off an Iron<br />

Bar from the Window, and taken out a Mutin or Bar<br />

cf the moil foiid Oak of about nine Inches in Thick-<br />

nefs, by boring it thro' in many Places, a Work of<br />

j!;reat Skill and Labour, they had ftill five and twenty<br />

Foot to defcend from the Ground, Sheppard fattened a<br />

Sheet and Blanket to the Bars, and caufes Madam to<br />

take ofF her Gown and Petticoat, and fent her out firft.<br />

End ihc being more corpulent than himfelf, it was with<br />

i;Teat Pain and Difficulty that he got her through the<br />

interval, and obferving his Directions, flie was inltantly<br />

flown, and more frighted than hurt, the Philofopher<br />

follow'd, and lighted with Eafe and Pleafure, but where<br />

are they efcap'd to ? Why out of one Prifon into ano-<br />

ther. The Reader is to undeiftand, that the Nenv-Pri-<br />

fin and CletkenivellBiideivellVie contiguous to one ano-<br />

ther, and they are got into the Yard of the latter, and<br />

liave aWall of twenty-two Foot high to fcale before their<br />

Liberty is perfefted ; Sheppard fir from being unpre-<br />

pared to furmount this Difficulty, had his Gimblets and<br />

Piercers ready, and made a Scaling Ladder. While the<br />

Keepers and Prifoners of both Places were afleep in<br />

their Beds he mounts his Baggage, and in lefs than, ten<br />

Minutes carries both her and himfelf over the Wall,<br />

and compleats an entire Efcape. Altho' his Efcape<br />

from the Condemned-Hold in Ne-xvgate made a far greater<br />

Noife in t/ie World than that from Ne-w-Prifin, it has<br />

been allow'd by all the Gaol Keepers in London, that<br />

one fo miraculous was never pcrform'd in England be-<br />

fore j the broken Chains and Bars are kept at Netu-<br />


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