I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ lOI 1<br />

mg the leaft Cold, we arriv'd fafe that Night at London,<br />

we congratulated each other you may imagine on our<br />

happy and narrow Efcape, and folac'd ourfelves after the<br />

Fatigues of the Day with a Miilrefs and a Bottle.<br />

There are four other Robberies which I readily ac-<br />

lenowledge I have committed fince I left the Cock Ale-<br />

houfe in the Old-Bailey, of which I fhall give the<br />

Reader a true and faithful Account in their jiroper<br />

Place.<br />

At laft, as the Proverb obferves, The Pitcher does not<br />

ahvays come ivhole from the Well; I was at laft taken<br />

up for a Robbery and fent to Neiv-Prifin, where I re-<br />

main'd confin'd three Years, and Providence as I fancy'd<br />

in fome Meafure favouring me, t had the Honour and<br />

ilappinefs to have a great Number of Juilices to fign<br />

for me to enjoy my Liberty. During this Confinement<br />

there, I behav'd myfelf with Prudence and great Hu-<br />

manity, for which, ar.d my experienced Conduil on the<br />

Road, I was promoted to the Degree of Turnkey to<br />

the faid Prifon; but the then Keeper dying, I quitted<br />

the Employment aforefaid, and kept the Ped-Lyon Ale-<br />

lioufe in ^lummiU-ftreet, Cocu-Crofs, and before I could<br />

fettle myfelf it coil me upwards of i oo /. and when a<br />

tiew Keeper v/as appointed and took Pofleflion of the<br />

Prifon, (who was the Dutchefs of Ne^wcaftk's Foot-<br />

man) he often vifited mc, and took Opportsnities to<br />

acquaint me, that he would provide and do very hand-<br />

fomely ibr me, if I would re-affumc the Place of Turn-<br />

key of liis Priun;, and was prevaii'd upon to accept of<br />

it, and by that means I inllrufted him in all the Af-<br />

fairs concerning the faid Prifon, and v/lien he was per-<br />

feftly acquainted with the Secrets, Benefits and Advan-<br />

tages arifing from the Priibn, he then took an Opportu-<br />

nity to turn me out of my Place, without any juft Caufe<br />

or Reafon, contrary to the Agreement between us made,<br />

in order to put his Brother in my ftead.<br />

And when I was fo remov'd, 1 was afterwards taken<br />

, in Execution for 60/. and brought Prifoner to the<br />

F/tet, and gave Security to the Warden for the Liberty<br />

E 3 of<br />


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