I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Tny Circumftances to a very low Ebb ; about this Time<br />

I had the Misfortune to loofe my Father, who left his<br />

whole Effefts to my Mother for her Life, this you may<br />

imagine was no Ways agreeable to the prefent Pofture<br />

of my Affairs, which were daily growing worfe. I<br />

found myfelf oblig'd to give over Houfe-keeping, which'<br />

I not kept quite two Years, and I refolv'd on a Voyage<br />

to the Wefi-Indies, having agreed with a Gentleman<br />

here, to ferve a Surgeon on the Ifland of Antigua, for<br />

which Place I ftiled from Crave/end March the 18th,<br />

1730, and arriv'd there May the zd, I was receiv'd<br />

there by the Gentlemen to whom I had recommenda-<br />

tory Letters, with all poflible Marks of a hearty V/el-<br />

come and Refpedl ; I now began to think myfelf as<br />

happy as ever, and pafled over about eight Weeks with<br />

much Satisfaftion, and was propofmg to fend for my<br />

Wife, in order at leaft to fpend half a Score Years on<br />

that agreeable Spot. But as neither that or any other<br />

real Happinefs continued long in my Favour, this a-<br />

greeable Profp^dl of Settlement was foon over fhadow'd,<br />

by the following Accident. It being the Cuftom of<br />

that Place to exercife their Militia every Week, when<br />

each Officer takes it in his Turn to treat his Brother<br />

Officers, and what other Friends he thinks proper, I<br />

had an Invitation from Colonel Ker on his Day, when<br />

after a very elegant Entertainment, and the Bottle had<br />

pafled very briilcly round, myfelf and fome other Friends<br />

attempted to take our Leave of the Company, but the<br />

Colonel preffcd very ardently for us to ftay all Night,<br />

urging that there were fcveral run away Negroes which<br />

made it very dangerous for People to be out thereabouts<br />

late at Night. We thought his Advice very feafonable<br />

and confentcd to flay, bat when going to Bed I found<br />

myfelf very hot, therefore prcferr'd the Hammock to<br />

the Bed, and falling a-fleep very foon, it was not long<br />

before I was wak'd by a Pain in my Bowels, occafion'd<br />

by the thorough Air, the Houfe being neither Wain-<br />

fcotted or White-wafh'd ; in Ihort, I imagin'd this<br />

PJforder proceeded from the Punch I had drank, but<br />

the<br />


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