I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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if<br />

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of his Villainies, and telling them it was Time he<br />

was hang'd out of the Way.<br />

One Inftance of Barbarity in Williams will be fufli-<br />

cient to julHfy all that can be faid of him, namely,<br />

that when Goiv gave it as a Reafon againil engaging<br />

with the Martinico Ship, that he had a great many Pri-<br />

foners on Board, (as above) and fome of their own<br />

Men that they could not depend upon ; Williams pro-<br />

pofed to have them all call'd up, one by one, and to<br />

cut their Throats and throw them over Board ; a Pro-<br />

pofal fo horrid, that the worft of the Crew Ihook their<br />

Heads at it, yet Goixi anfwer'd him very handfomely.<br />

That there had been too ?nuch Blood fpilt already ; yet the<br />

refufing this heighten'd the Quarrel, and was the chief<br />

Occafion of his olfering to Pillol CC-M himfelf: After<br />

which, his Behaviour was fuch, as made all tlie Ships<br />

Crew refolve to be rid of him ; and 'twas thought, if<br />

they had not had an Opportunity to fend him away as<br />

they did by the Brijlol Ship, they would have been ob-<br />

lig'd to have hang'd him themfelves.<br />

When they put Williams on Board the Brijiol Man,<br />

and he was told what Direftions they gave with him,<br />

he began to relent, and made all the Interceffion he cou'd<br />

to Capt. Gotv for Pardon, or at leaft not to be put on<br />

Board the Ship, knowing if he was carry'd to Lisbon,<br />

he fhould meet with his Due from the Portuguefe, if<br />

not from the Eiiglijh; for it feems he had been con-<br />

cern'd in feme ^'illainies among the Portuguefe before<br />

he came on Board the George Galley, what they were<br />

he did not confefs, nor indeed did his own Ship's Crew<br />

trouble themfelves to examine him about it: He had<br />

been wicked enough among them, and it was fufficient<br />

to make them ufe him as they did; it was more to be<br />

wonder'd indeed, they did not cut him in Pieces upon<br />

the Spot, and throw him into the Sea, iuilf on one Side<br />

of the Ship, and half on the other, for there was fcarce<br />

a Man in the Ship, but on one Occafion or other had<br />

fome Apprehenfions of him, and might be faid to go<br />

in Danger of his Life from him.<br />


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