I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Bufinefs, and fet up a Viftualling-houfe in Neivtenor't-<br />

Lane, where himfelf and other youn^ Apprentices re-<br />

forted on Sundays, and at all other Opportunities. At<br />

this Houfe began his Acquaintance with Edg-ivorth Befs,<br />

his Sentiments being ftrangcly alter'd, and from an A-<br />

verfion to thofe Prollitutes, he had a more favourable<br />

Opinion, and even Converfation with them, till he con-<br />

trafted an ill Diftemper, which as he faid, he cured<br />

himfelf of by a Medicine of his own preparing.<br />

He inveigh'd bitterly againft his Brother Thcmas for<br />

putting him into the Information, for Mrs. Cook\ Rob-<br />

bery, and pretended that all the Mifchiefs that attend-<br />

ed him was owing to that Matter ; he acknowledged<br />

that he was concern'd in that Faft, and that his laid<br />

Brother broke into his Lodging?, and ftole from him all'<br />

his Share and more of the acquir'd Booty.<br />

He oftentimes averr'd, that William Field was no<br />

Ways concern'd in Mr. Knecbone's Robbery, but that<br />

being a Brotlier of the Quill, Bk'vjjkin and himfelf told<br />

him the Particulars and manner of the Fafts, and that<br />

all he fwore againft him at his Trial was falfe, and<br />

that he had no other Authority for it, than what came<br />

out of their [Sheppard and Bkvjjkin'i) Mouths, who<br />

aftually committed the Fadt.<br />

And moreover, that Field being acquainted with<br />

their Ware-houfe (a Stable) near the Horfe-Ferry at<br />

Weftminfter, which Sheppard had hir'd, and ufually re-<br />

pofited therein the Goods he ftole. He came one Night<br />

and broke open the fame, and carry'd off the beft Part<br />

of the Effefts taken out of Mr. Kneelone's, Shop.<br />

Sheppard faid, he thought this to be one of the great-<br />

eft Villainies that could be afted, for another to come<br />

and plunder them of Things for which they had fo<br />

honourably ventur'd their Lives, and wifh'd that Field,<br />

as well as bis Brother Tom might meet with Forgive-<br />

nefs for it.<br />

He declar'd himfelf frequently againft the Praftice of<br />

Whidling, or impeaching, which he faid, had made<br />

dreadful Havock among the Thieves, and much lamea-<br />


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