I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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"having their Throats cut, as others had been ferv'd be-<br />

fore their Faces ; and that in pa*:icular, he was not<br />

prefent at, or concern'd in any of the Murders for<br />

which the reft were indidled, upon which Evidence he<br />

was acquitted by the Jury.<br />

Alfo he brought one Archihald Sutor, the Man of the<br />

Houfe, faid above to be a Farm Houfe, whether the<br />

faid Read made his Efcape in the Orkneys, who teftified<br />

that he did fo efcape to him, and that he begg'd him<br />

to procure him a Horfe to ride off to KirkvjaU, which<br />

he did, and that there he furrend'red himfelf : Alfo he<br />

teftified, that Read gave Sutor a full Account of the<br />

Ship, and of the Pyrates that were in her, and what<br />

they were, and Sutor difcover'd it all to the CoUeftor of<br />

the Cuftoms, by which means the Country was alarm'd ;<br />

and he added, that it was by this Man's means that all<br />

the Prifoners were apprehended, (tho' that was a little<br />

too much too) for 'tis plain, it was by the Vigilance and<br />

Courage of Mr. Fea chiefly, they were reduc'd to fuch<br />

Diftrefles as oblig'd them to furrender.<br />

However it was true that Read's Efcape did alarm<br />

the Country, and that he merited very well of the Pub-<br />

lick, for the timely Difcovery he made; fo he came<br />

off clear, as indeed it was but juft, for he was only<br />

forc'd to ferve them, (as above) but as Dobfon teftified<br />

for him, he had often expreffcd his Uneafinefs, as being<br />

oblig'd to aft with them, and that he wifti'd he cou'd<br />

get away, and that he was fmcers in thofe Wiihes, as<br />

appear'd in that he took the firft Opportunity he could<br />

get to put it in Praftice.<br />

N. B. This Dobfon was one of the ten Men who ran<br />

away with the Pyrates Long-Boat from the Orkneys,<br />

and who were afterwards made Prifoners in the Firth<br />

of Leigh, and carry'd up to Edinburgh.<br />

Go'w was now a Prilbner among the reft in the Mar-<br />

Jhalfea; his Behaviour there was fuUen and referv'd,<br />

rather than penitent: It had been hinted to him by Mr.<br />

Fea, as others, that he ftiould endeavour by his Beha-<br />

viour, to make himfelf an Evidence againft the others,<br />


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