I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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been given, fome of the Merchants from on Shore, whff<br />

had been concern'd in furnifliing the Cargo, came on<br />

Board in the Forenoon to take Leave of the Captain,<br />

and wiih hixn a good Voyage, as is ufual on fuch Occa-<br />

iions.<br />

Whether it was concerted by the whole Gang before<br />

liand we know nor, but while the Captain was treating;<br />

and entertaining the Merchants under the Awning up-<br />

on the Quarter-Deck, as is the Cuftom in thofe hot<br />

Countries, three of the Seamen, -viz. Winter and Pe-<br />

ter/on, two S"^-eiies, and Mac a Scot/man, came<br />

rudely upon the Qaarter-Deck, and as if they took that<br />

Opportunity becaufe the Merchants v/ere prefent, be-<br />

lieving the Captain would not ufe any Violence with<br />

them in the Prefence of the Merchants, they made a<br />

long Complaint of their ill Ufage, and particularly of<br />

their Provifions and Allowance (as they faid) being not<br />

fufBcient, nor fuch as ordinarily made in other Mer-<br />

chant Ships, fceming to load the Captain, Monfieur<br />

Feriieau, with being the Occaficn of it, and that he<br />

did it for his private Gain j which however had not<br />

been true if the Faft had been true, the Overplus of<br />

Prcvifions (if the Stores had been more than fulK.<br />

cient) belonging to the Owners, not to the Captain,<br />

at the End of the Voyage, there being alfo a Steward<br />

on Board to take the Accompt.<br />

In the.'r making this Complaint they feem'd to di-<br />

rcft their Speech to the Merchants, as well as to the<br />

Captain, as if they had been concern'd in the Ship<br />

(which they were not) or, as if defiring them to inter-<br />

cede for them to the Captain that they might have Re-<br />

dref«, and might have a better Allowance.<br />

I'he Captain was highly provok'd at this Rud^nefs,<br />

as indeed he had Reafon, it being a double Affront to<br />

him, as it was done in the View of the Merchants who<br />

were come on Board to him, and to do him an Honour<br />

at parting ; however he reftrain'd his PalTion, and gave<br />

them not the leail angry Word, only, that if they<br />

were aggrieved they had no more to do,, but to have<br />

let:<br />

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