I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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. L 299 3<br />

to difpatch her (the Miftreff) thinking if fuch a Thipg<br />

could be done, her Mafter would marry her; this was<br />

only to irapofe upon, and to get Money from the Mi-<br />

ftrefs, v/ho was too v;ife to be bit with fuch'Preteitces ;<br />

and feeing they could get nothing, they left her, and<br />

Tcmrn'd to Sarak, calling the Miftrefs an old cunnihg,<br />

Woman,.curfmg her, and giving her ill Names.' This<br />

giveOccafion to the Story's paffing thro' theToU*ti,<br />

that ftie intended to poifon her Miftrcfs, which Thought<br />

ilie faid, never enter'd into her Mind, and that fhe was<br />

averfe to their going to her on tkit Account; but how-<br />

ever iier allowing them to go on fuch a villainous Et"<br />

rand, certainly fnow'd the Wickedneis of her Difpofi-<br />

tion. It was alledg'd alfo, that flie was the "Perfd'n<br />

who mard'red an old Man of the other End of • the<br />

Town, for which two or three Years ago a Barker w.1s<br />

cofiviaed, and who went to Death denying the.Faft'.<br />

But fhe faid, that there was not the leaft Ground for<br />

that Sufpicion, and that fhe muft be content to bear<br />

with fuch Cenfures and Reproaches, tho' it was hard<br />

the World-fhould make her more wicked than fhe really<br />

was.<br />

As to the Murders, Burglary and Robbery, of which<br />

file was indifted and found Gaiky, the Account (lie<br />

gave me was to the Purpofe following. She having<br />

been acquainted with Mary Tracey, who. had been A-<br />

broad, and had foUow'd her Hulhand in the Army in<br />

divers Countries, and had been concern'd in many de;<br />

fperate and wicked Exploits for feveral Years pafl;<br />

fhe [Tracey) of(;cn prefTed her to rob her old Miiii'efsj<br />

who fhe. knew never wanted a confiderable Sum of Mo--<br />

ney, and had feyeral valuable Goods in the Houfe ; flie<br />

was,not averfe to this Propofal,. but hefitating upon it,<br />

(he faid, She jhould he taken up and han£d fir ihefdihe,<br />

andjhat it inns impaj/ible for her to do it 'v:iihut--tlt<br />

Ajftftance of feme others. Upon this Tracey nam'd the<br />

two Brothers Thomas and fames Ali^iander, with wliohi<br />

facTiaci been acquainted about a Year before; at'M<br />

_ 5flr«,?! was gnqvaiW upoa'to confent, and all th'eaahr<br />

k tfi

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