I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 102 ]<br />

cf the Rules, wliicli coft me upwards of ilxteen Gt3f»<br />

iieas. That being done, I took the Ihifile and Cronjon<br />

3n the Old-Bailey, and liv'd there for feme Time, till<br />

1 had the Opportunity of a better Houfe, and after-<br />

wards took the Cock in the Old-Bailey, there 1 liv*d<br />

for three Years, and the moft noted and beft of the<br />

Parifh reforted my Houfe j that then IVIr. Bamhridgi<br />

became Warden of the Fleet, he in\'ited me into his<br />

Service, promifing to make me Turnkey to the Fleet,<br />

v»'hich indeed would have been a beneficial Bufmefs, up-<br />

on which I quitted my Houfe, and then could attain<br />

no other Station than to keep the Fleet Cellar or Tap-<br />

Houfe. It was here I was drawn into the unhappy<br />

Quarrel between the Warden and Sir William Rich,,<br />

!Bart. for which the Honourable Houfe of Commons<br />

Voted me an Agent to Mr, Bamhridge in the Commif-<br />

fion of his Crimes, and order'd me clofe Prifoner to<br />

Nnv^^ate, where I remain'd till the End of the Seffions,<br />

and then obtain'd my Liberty, a Liberty fujhich hath<br />

nrw trov'd fatal to me.<br />

I had not only loft that little Share of Credit and<br />

..Reputation I had acquir'd fmce I quitted a wicked<br />

Courfe of Life, by being in Cuilody on that' fcanda-<br />

lous Occafjon, but likewife all my Stock of Goods,<br />

ISc. (for during my Confinement, my Brewer made<br />

•Seizure of my Stock of Beer, to the Value of 300 /.<br />

and upwardt) by which Means I was entirely ruin'd<br />

and deftitute; but notwithftanding fo infupportable a<br />

Misfortune, I had a ftrong Inclination to follow an in-<br />

duflrious Courfe of Life, without the leafl Intention<br />

cf returning to my former ill Courfes already mentio-<br />

li'd; but at laft the Importunities of the Devil, and<br />

the Difficulty of quitting evil Habits for good ones,<br />

foon broke thro' my poor Refolutions, and I was de-<br />

termjn'd again for the Road, but thought it moft pru-<br />

dent and judicious not to join, or admit a fecond Per-<br />

Ibn to be concern'd with me, befidea 'tis by being in<br />

Confederacy with others is the Reafon why fo many<br />

Crimes of that Nature are deteiled.- It's too evident,<br />


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