I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 5P2 ]<br />

wilful Spii'it, void of all'Virtue, and the Grace of God,<br />

vWiich occafion'd her to be fo far delerced of God, that<br />

flie fell into thofe abominaijle and vile Crimes fat which<br />

ihe defervedly fufFer'd.<br />

As foon as ihe eiiter'd Nc-tvgate, fhe prov'd a true<br />

Forefeer of her own Fate, by her immediately crying<br />

cut, / am a dead WoiiianJ She was convey'd to the old<br />

Condemn'd'Hole, as being the moft proper Place for fc-<br />

curing her, and a Perfon was appointed to watch her,,<br />

from an Apprehenfion that ilie intended to.take away<br />

her own Life. Thefe Fears were occafion'd from htr<br />

appearing to be exceedingly ill and out of order, her fick<br />

Fits fucceeded by Vomitings of clotted Blood, and her<br />

periiiling during thefe extraordinary AL's to take any<br />

'J hing which might comfort, or even fupport Nature j<br />

but Mr. Snowd, a Surgren,.zhir examining into her Cafe,<br />

declar'd his Opinion, that her illnefs might be occafion'd<br />

by a Preternatural Hurry of Spirits, and was not dani-<br />

g'rous. However ihe would fometimes fall into flrange<br />

Agonies, rowling her Eyes, clinching her Hands, isV.<br />

particularly once when a Gentleman who had been her<br />

Mailer came to fee her, ihe fell into an extraordinary<br />

Diforder, grafping the Keeper's Legs fo as fcarce to be<br />

got from him; w len fhe came to herfelf all the Reafon<br />

ihe affigned was, that ihe could not endure to fee any<br />

cf her Acquaintance.<br />

When fhe was inform'd that Mary Tracey and the two<br />

Alexanders were feiz.'d, fhe appear'd pleafed, and fmil'd,<br />

faying with a feeming Satisfaction, Jfialldie miv 'with<br />

Fkafure f.nce the Murd'reri are taken. - When the Boys<br />

and the Woman were fhewn to her that ihe might fee<br />

whither they were the Perfons whom fhe accufed, fhe<br />

immediately faid. Ay, tkefe are Perfons luho committed<br />

the Murder ; and fa id to Mary Tracey, Tou knonu this to<br />

be true, which fhe pronounc'd with a Boldnefs which<br />

furpriz'd all the Spefiators. Then turning to her again,<br />

fhe faid. So Mary, you fee 'what you ha've brought me too,<br />

it is thro'you and the fwo Alexander'^ that lam hrxrugkt<br />

to this Shame, and muft die for it, yon all fromijed mt<br />


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