I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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II<br />

[ 154 ]<br />

to W5re the Ship; and in turning into Calfjound, he<br />

ilood r- little too near the Point of a little Ifland, called<br />

the Calf, and which h.^ in the middle of the PaiTage,<br />

here his Ship miffing Stays, was in great Danger of go-<br />

ing a Shore, to avoid which he dropp'd an Anchor un-<br />

der his Foot, which taking good hold, brought him<br />

up, and he thought the Danger was over.<br />

But as the Wind was, he lay fo near the Shore that<br />

he couH not get under Sail again, for want of a Boat<br />

to tow him out into the Channel, or to carry off an<br />

Anchor to heave him out.<br />

TJiat little Ifland above is uninhabited, but affords<br />

Pafture to five or fix hundred Sheep, which Mr. Fea<br />

alwpys keeps upon it, for it belongs wholly to him :<br />

Gotjo was now in Diftrefs, and had no Remedy but to<br />

fend his fmall Boat on Shore to Mr. Fea, to defire his<br />

Afllftance, th.^t is to fay, to defire him to lend him a<br />

^ac to carry out an Anchor to heave off the Ship.<br />

Mr. Fea fern back the Boat, and one James Laitig<br />

in it with the Letter, which 1 have already mention'd ;<br />

Cow fent him back immediately with this Anfwer, by<br />

Word of Mouth, T/'Z:. That he nvould 'write to no Body,<br />

hut if Mr. Fea txjould order his People to afpjl him ivitb a<br />

Boat to carry cut an Anchor, he luould reiuard them hand-<br />

fomely: Mr. Fea in the mean Time order'd his great<br />

Boat (for he had fuch a Boat as Go-iu wanted) to be ftav'd<br />

and launch'd into the Water and funk, and the Mafts,<br />

Sails and Oars to be carry'd privately out of Sight.<br />

While this was doing, Mr. Fea perceiv'd Goiv's Boat<br />

coming on Shore, with five Perfons in her ; thefc Men<br />

having landed on the main Ifland, left their Boat on the<br />

Beach, antl all together marched up to the Manfion<br />

Houfe. This put him into fome Surprize at iiril:, how-<br />

ever he refolv'd to meet them in a peaceable manner,<br />

tho' he perceiv'd they were all double arm'd j when he<br />

came up to them he entreated them not to go up to the<br />

Houfe, becaufe of the languifliing Condition of his<br />

Wife, that (he was already frighted with the Rumours<br />

which had been raifed of tlieir being Pyrates, and that<br />


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