I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 59 ]<br />

diverting themfelves with feeing the others ftrive for it;<br />

and particularly Bkivit having thrown out fome Half-<br />

pence amongft the Mob, a little Boy who was prefent,<br />

pick'd up one of them, and calling out to Bkivit, told<br />

him, that as fure as he (the /aid Bkivit) would be con-<br />

demn'd at Kiwjlon, fo fure would he have his Name<br />

engraved thereon ; whereupon Blewit took a Shilling<br />

out of his Pocket and gave it the Boy, telling him,<br />

there was fomething towards defraying the Charge of<br />

engraving, and bad'him be as good as his Word, which<br />

the Boy promifed he would.<br />

In this manner they were condufted to Kingjion,<br />

where they arrived about 11 or 12 o'Clock, and were<br />

all fix confined in the Slock-Houfe.<br />

The fame Day the Lord Chief Juftice Raymond and<br />

Mr. Juftice Dentqn arrived in that Town to hold the<br />

AlTizes for the County of Surry, and the next Day the<br />

Prifoners were arraign'd, all of which pleaded not<br />

Guilty, except Burnnvorth, who refufed to plead, un-<br />

lefs fome EiFefts which he pretended had been taken<br />

from him were reftored ; and he perfifting in his Re-<br />

folution, his Thumbs wtvt ty'd and ftrained, as ufual<br />

in fuch Cafes; and he ftill continuing obftinate, the<br />

Court pafied the following Sentence upon him.<br />

yO XJ Jhall go to the Place from ivhence you came,<br />

and there being Jirif d naked, and laid flat ufon<br />

your naked Back on the Floor, imth a Napkin about your<br />

middle to hide your Privy Members, and a Cloth on your<br />

Face, then the Prefs is to be laid upon you, nvith as much<br />

Weight as, or rather more than you can hear ; you are<br />

to haue three Morfels of Barley Bread in tiventy-four<br />

Hours, a Draught of Water from the next Puddle near<br />

the Goal, but not rumting Water; the fecond Day tivo<br />

Merfels and the fame Water, luith an increafe of Weight,<br />

and Jo to the third Day until you expire.<br />

But he ftill continuing Contumacious, was caxricd<br />

dowii to the Stock-Houfe, and the Prefs laid upon him,<br />

C 6 wherein

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