I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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told you before, and this which I liv'd laft with, Twiii<br />

marry'd to at the F/eef, and one more which keeps a<br />

Publick-Houfe in Drufy-Lam, whom I think is very<br />

unkind, for fhe never came to fee me ail the Time of<br />

my Confinement: But to return to thd aforegoing Per-<br />

fon, I was refolv'd to be reveng'd on him if poiTible,<br />

for I could not forget how he came to the Tavern with<br />

a Cafe Knife to kill me, and likewife the ill Ufage to-<br />

his Mother,' I happen'd at that Time Co have a Pen-<br />

knife in my Pocket, and with a Refolution to have done<br />

his Bufmefs, (which God forgive me) but was prevent-<br />

ed by my Wife, who ftood between him and me, and<br />

am glad now to my Soul that I did not commit v/hat-<br />

I did delign, which was Murder.<br />

There is one Thing however which lies heavier on<br />

Jny Confcience tlian Fallhood in Love, and that is wil-<br />

ful Perjury.<br />

I had fome Time fince eutertain'd an implacable Ha-<br />

tred againfl: one Picht a Coupe/-, and to fatiate my Re-<br />

venge, tho' the poor Man I believe was entirely inno-<br />

cent of the Fadl laid to his Charge, I fwore it upon<br />

him, and appear'd an Evidence againft him at the O/^-<br />

Bailey, for which flagrant Crime, I hope if he's living'<br />

he'll forgive me, and God too, for' thiriling after inno-<br />

cent Blood ; and if dead, I fincerely rejoice that he did<br />

not fall a Sacrifice to my unjuft Refentments.<br />

I fhould in my foregoing. Account luve inforni'dyoii<br />

what became of my Fellow-Man Ekhard Bird; the<br />

laft Robbery which he and I committed together was<br />

on two Gentlemen as they were going to Cheimsford;<br />

fome fmall Time after that I was taken up, and what<br />

to do I did not know, at laft I thought I had better<br />

hang twenty than be fqueess'd myfelf, for I knew I<br />

deferv'd it j fo at laft (with fome Reluftancy) I im-<br />

peached ray Fellow-Man Richard Bird, and according-<br />

ly he was taken and committed to Goal, and after-<br />

wards carry'd down to Chelinsfird,. and I was carry'd<br />

there as a Witnefs againft him; but in going down I<br />

did my Endeavour to amke xay Efcape, but was pre-<br />


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